
2 completely illogical things about this episode:


2) To me it seemed like the "allied" intelligence forces had very little to go on. On that basis, the SVR, could have probably fabricated some flimsy evidence that they picked up, presented it as highly speculative, and everyone would have still jumped on it. But I can concede this point.
4) Fair enough about the city

Maybe not as busy as Hamburg, but having travelled through the station many times, I'd still say that just randomly bumping into the one person I'm after in it is pretty lucky.

You have a great memory. I hardly remember anything about the first season, but I don't recall feeling that the show required this much suspension of disbelief.

I disagree…considering everything else Saul and Dar have shared with her. And the fact that Allison, who is under investigation for TREASON, is allowed to just roam freely with a gun under the supervision of one pathetic bodyguard.

Agree with everything here.

I get that, but I don't see how Allison's visit to the doctor was so crucial. If the SVR's goal was to just misdirect the CIA / BND, it could have fed them the misinformation another (and much less risky) way. Plus, I still don't understand why they can only evacuate one high-probability target when they know the city

I don't expect the show to get everything right, but when there are obvious plot holes that defy belief / realism, it's hard to just ignore them, especially when subsequent plot rests so much on them.

Agree 100%. Echoes a lot of my own thoughts (repost from another comment):

It has to be in the future since BER isn't operational yet. :)

I can't believe everyone is so willing to forgive the show for its massive plot holes.

Completely agree! As @disqus_iEGGxy1QcV (Jake80) pointed out in the comments to last week's episode: "This should be easy enough. Just question them separately on how Alison recruited him."

As @disqus_iEGGxy1QcV (Jake80) pointed out in the comments to last week's episode: "This should be easy enough. Just question them separately on how Alison recruited him."

** Spoiler Alert **

Am I the only one flummoxed that they didn't resolve (or even acknowledge) this situation at all in the next episode? What did Eli ultimately decide? Even if he decided to pull the plug last minute, wasn't the story already leaked to a reporter? Would it really be that easy to put an end to it? Surprised they don't

Surprised nobody has brought this up…but what happened to the whole Eli exposing the Landau scandal to undermine Peter storyline? Didn't last week's episode end on a cliffhanger with Eli trying to decide whether he will proceed with his original plan, after having discovered that it would also hurt Alicia? Did he call

It was also frustrating that they never established why Randolph was so revered. I don't recall seeing him prior to this episode, so it was hard to comprehend why everyone was so head over heels for him. On that note, where did the reviewer get the idea he's a civil rights lawyer?

Btw - when did Finn join Florrick/Agos anyways? Or is he just leasing office space there?

On a related note…when did Finn move in with Florrick/Agos anyways? Is he part of the firm now or just leasing office space?