
Slight spoiler alert: Episode 1.

I watched this episode a few weeks ago and can't remember all the details now. Can someone remind me what purpose Cary's testimony against Clarke served? Ok, so he wants to become a lawyer…and has used Cary's help in the process…how does that make his opinion as a trustee any less valid? Will and Diane actively

Why does Peter have so much money and Alicia seemingly so little? Did they keep separate bank accounts while they were together?

Ah, right! Thanks for reminding me.

While I get that the details of the case weren't ever meant to be a major focus point for this episode (and many other episodes), it would still be nice if the writers did a bit more background research or limited themselves to topics they're more familiar with. So many elements of the IPO / merger storyline lacked

@avclub-f9612d06549ffe449e39e34fae8e2549:disqus, while that's true, the time difference between this fictional island in the Indian Ocean and the US East Coast would be approximately 12 hours, with very limited overlapping daytime hours.

But during most of he episode, it appeared to be daytime in both regions.

Why is there no time difference between the East Coast of the US and some island in Southeast Asia?

know it's a movie with many inaccurate/unrealistic details, but only
one truly bugged me: After discovering the true identities of the
"Canadian film crew," why didn't the Revolutionary Guard just call the
tower to withhold the flight's take-off clearance instead of trying to
chase down a 747 using squad cars?

know it's a movie with many inaccurate/unrealistic details, but only
one truly bugged me: After discovering the true identities of the
"Canadian film crew," why didn't the Revolutionary Guard just call the
tower to withhold the flight's take-off clearance instead of trying to
chase down a 747 using squad cars?

Did both the show's writer and the author of the review forget that we have already been introduced to Canning's wife in an earlier season? Or was that a different wife and he's since re-married?

Ok, glad someone confirmed that. I thought I was going crazy because I distinctly remember an earlier episode where we met her.

If The Voice took its "don't judge a book by its cover" concept to the extreme by keeping performances cloaked (even to the TV audience) until the finale, it would yield some interesting results. Safe to say that Cassadee would have gone home many episodes ago.

If The Voice took its "don't judge a book by its cover" concept to the extreme by keeping performances cloaked (even to the TV audience) until the finale, it would yield some interesting results. Safe to say that Cassadee would have gone home many episodes ago.

@avclub-2b88c1c9536414bc2c9e43d902eadcd0:disqus, of course there could have been other copies of the tape, but my point is at the very least, Nazir's people should have known that one copy (of potentially many) that was in their possession was gone after Carrie's little "raid" of their that safe house. Even if they

@avclub-2b88c1c9536414bc2c9e43d902eadcd0:disqus, of course there could have been other copies of the tape, but my point is at the very least, Nazir's people should have known that one copy (of potentially many) that was in their possession was gone after Carrie's little "raid" of their that safe house. Even if they

Prior to the bomb, why was it a forgone conclusion that Carrie would have to choose between Brody or her job? Since he had immunity from the President, and the public knew nothing about his past, why would it be be out of the question for a CIA analyst/station chief to date an ex-Marine/Congressman?

Prior to the bomb, why was it a forgone conclusion that Carrie would have to choose between Brody or her job? Since he had immunity from the President, and the public knew nothing about his past, why would it be be out of the question for a CIA analyst/station chief to date an ex-Marine/Congressman?

That's a great explanation. Thank so much!

That's a great explanation. Thank so much!