I Will Be Damned

But he's kind of my meal ticket/paying for the netflix that enables me to watch Friday Night Lights-ticket right now…I don't know if that's wise…

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I would read that. But do you think one of the reasons that movies are getting longer is because of ticket prices? Paying $10 for 90 minutes of entertainment that isn't geared towards children may seem steep to people.

I don't know what either of those mean. The only coding experience I have is for Stata, Sabre (travel agent thing), and enough HTML to be dangerous. I love working with data, and I love figuring out code, but I don't know any programming languages. I'm hoping to start working on that because I think that it would be

Not really superstitious…more like I'm putting myself in the position to get caught in a lie, and I'm trying to figure out if the benefit is worth the risk.

Speaking of the Dark Knight, what do you think the Joker's part would have been in the Dark Knight Rises had Heath Ledger lived? I always suspected that he would have been the kangaroo court judge.

No joke - my brother bitches about films that are longer than an hour and a half. He's a smart guy, but he's said in all seriousness before that exact same statement. Only he might have used "fucking long" as opposed to "damn long."

Does "stay active" include playing fruit ninja on my ipad and watching Wimbledon and Friday Night Lights? *keeps fingers crossed*

Thanks guys - all good advice thus far. I actually had to take a half a day off the day they asked me for a job interview. The job I interviewed is not perfect - it's related to the industry I was in before I went to grad school, but it gets me out of our current city, which both of us absolutely fucking hate.

Usually I'd agree with you, but I loved and agreed with his dissent on the DNA testing case that came out a few weeks ago. So his record with me now is 1 and 4958690484, but he still has that one!

Wow, they posted this really early.

@J.P. McPickleshitter - I'm not saying that that they don't. I'm just saying that, particularly for college-aged men, there is a lack of understanding of the heightened risk that women face and the caution that we must practice when walking around alone at night. It doesn't matter how brave or strong you are, you are

Agreed. What always stuck with me is the mother's line about how the boys didn't understand why a woman would be afraid walking home at night alone. It's just one of those things you always have to be aware of as a woman that a lot of guys take for granted.

Thanks for the tips!

I am an awful hoarder when it comes to fabric and yarn. I feel fabric is more justifiable because it's part of your "stash," but I recently freecycled some of the yarn I wasn't enamored with anymore. It still kind of hurt, but I really needed to thin.

John Darneille just puts these nuggets of raw, painful truth into some of his songs that just tend to stick with me, like the line in this song (paraphrase), "People say friends don't try to destroy one another/what do they know about friends?" Cuts to the damn core.

I always thought lacemaking was just a very delicate type of crocheting - is that not the case?

No Children is on my running playlist. I also really like No Pollution, Dilaudid, and Dance Music. But as @usurpmyprose:disqus said, they have such a deep catalog that a favorites list could get quite long.

Roast it with garlic, onion, and tomato! It will change your life.

bourbon, ginger ale, and bitters.

I had a fling with this guy, and I was so drunk everytime I slept with him that I didn't realize he was uncircumsized AND only had one testicle until a friend of his told me.