I Will Be Damned

Agreed. I've read comment boards talking about 69 Love Songs that trash all of her songs on the album, but I think the ones she nails are among the best.

Okay, quick straw poll - who has heard of a horsefeather? They're popular in Kansas, but a friend of mine from KS who has lived in the Bay Area and Austin says that no one seems to know about them there.

A whole stick. It was glorious. The recipe I had said to whisk it in a double boiler, which was kind of hard seeing as there wasn't enough liquid for the size of pot I was using to get a good whisk going. Perhaps I should have doubled it…

Jealous! The one time I've seen them he had a band of three others. I haven't heard anything about the current tour, but I'm sure it's going to be great.

They're pretty fantastic, and John Darneille is in my top five musicians on Twitter. What are some of your favorites thus far?

That's a family favorite. It's just so much fun.

How do you guys feel about quitting projects? What's your time limit (i.e. I haven't worked on this in x months, thus I am over it). For me, I think it depends on the project. Quilting projects I can nurse for years because I'll go back and forth between it and others. Knitting/Crocheting, I need to finish within a

Craft Thread!

Not really, but it's fun. It's also funny when you peg people correctly on their sign and then they look slightly freaked out.

I just heard of Heartless Bastards for the first time from an episode of Friday Night Lights! Where's a good place to start with them?

Mountain Goats - Game Shows Touch Our Lives
Avett Brothers - Geraldine
Mumford and Sons - Ghosts that we Know
Hot Club of Cowtown - The Girl I Left Behind Me
The White Stripes - Girl, You Have No Faith in Medicine (which I also have set as the alarm to remind me to take my lady's medicine)

Are the peaches ready in your area? I usually don't go for them until July or so up here…

Hello and welcome! Lady in the greater Kansas City area.

This past weekend I made, ahem, "Country Eggs Benedict." We didn't have english muffins, Canadian bacon, and I don't have poaching eggs down yet, so I made biscuits, regular bacon, and scrambled eggs. Covered in Hollandaise.

Do you grill or broil the bread for your panzanella? It's usually grilled, but we don't have one…

Favorite Meal - Martha Stewart has this recipe for chicken breast with a mustard cream sauce. I steam some asparagus, make some brown rice, and then smother the whole damn thing in this sauce. And then I proceed to lick the sauce pan. This is in the running for my favorite meal, and definitely in the Week of Favorite

Oh Jesus that sounds delicious.

I was reminded of S1's The Room with this scene. They're both looking at the idea of our inner lives, a part of us that's unknown to the rest of the world and (in most cases) goes with us when we die.

It might not have had as much resonance back in 2003 - it seems like there has been an uptick in such incidents in the last few years, whereas I don't remember them happening as often back then. Granted, I was a freshman in college and pretty disconnected from the real world, so my perceptions could be way off.

I saw this at True/False this past year and it was pretty good. This isn't particularly hard-hitting, but interesting.