I Will Be Damned

I've never heard of the "no drinking during your period" thing. That just seems to exacerbate the cruelty.

It's so disheartening to come across what looks like a good recipe/pattern/set of instructions and have it be in a language you don't know! I've come across that with knitting patterns - I've tried a few, but they always come out disasters. Google needs to come up with a craft translator.

Do you have similiar advice for Braeburns? I will not eat Red Ds (I really like that! It makes me feel cool) because I don't think I've ever had one that wasn't mealy. And, probably TMI, the texture of a mealy apple is near gag-inducing.

I love Skype interviews! Your top half looks great, your bottom half is in boxer shorts!

Is this literature or just whatever we're reading? If it's literature, I'm really enjoying using Flannery O'Connor short stories as a palatte cleanser.

Iris DeMent - There's a Whole Lotta Heaven
Bruce Springsteen - Badlands
Nick Drake - Fly
The Avett Brothers - The Once and Future Carpenter
John Hawkes - Bred and Buttered

I love the Run Lola Run soundtrack, but I haven't listened to it in ages. It was my favorite paperwriting music throughout undergrad and grad school.

Both hats are really cute, but I've never been a fan of crocheted cables. I've never done one, but that's because I've never liked the look, and knitted cables are really easy.

I've had them in a salad before and they were great. You'll need to cut them with some other greens though.

We didn't try any new beers, but we did discover a great new bar. If you're ever in the Kansas City area, head north to Weston. At the Weston Brewing Company, they have great beer (their SunRyes Ale is fabulous), and head into their bar. They basically took the old underground storerooms that are several feet

I just saw Star Trek last night. I really liked it! We also saw the Perks of Being a Wallflower on Friday - it made me all depressed about being an adult and shit.

Okay, so I have to apologize. I experimented with the real-time updating on Disqus today, and that was displaying everything as an individual comment, which I obviously was not prepared for.

Oh my God, really? That sounds so…sinful? But any kind of butter does, that's what makes it great.

I'm taking a break from the granny square afghan to burn through my stash yarn (so it can then be included in the granny square afghan), so I'm working on the bandana cowl that Purl Bee posted about awhile ago. I was pretty intimidated by short rows at first, but they're actually kind of fun.

Craft Thread!

And shit, it looks like Lurky and Gumbercules are also in the fight. I'll start warming up the arm…

*ducks, looks sad and confusedly at @avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus and gets beaned in the back of the head by someone else*

Did you buy that or make it? Because I'd love the recipe/brand of the Thai chilli garlic sauce…

None of my cooking has been that adventurous this week - we're preparing for a move and trying to save cash, so I've been relying on a lot of standbys. One of these, however, is a tempeh wrap with a miso dressing, and this dressing will save your life.3 tbs white miso paste3 tbs apple cidar vinegar
2 tbs agave nectar

Wow, I've never gotten here this early before. Uh, food thread?