I Will Be Damned

I get this, and I have trouble with it too. How does your fear manifest itself? Does it hold you back or just make you really anxious?

Agreed. I get they're creepy-looking, but they are so damn handy to have around.

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus I hear you on the tampons. I just don't get pads at all. I was at a friend's recently and saw that she used pads and I just stared at them in confusion. I get not using Diva Cups because they are not for everyone, but damn, why use pads? It doesn't make sense.

I don't know how heavy your periods are, but I usually have no problems leaving mine in for the entire work day so as to avoid public bathrooms. When I'm stressed and having a really light period, I've left mine in for over a day and had no troubles.

Well, off to the Greatest Fears thread a few pages back…

The only reason it didn't come out was because I didn't know what I was doing. I have no regrets about making the switch.

I'm intrigued by dying because, one of these days, I'm going to get into weaving. Do you make your own dyes?

Yeah, that's pretty terrible.

@LJo1:disqus Why the hell do they even exist? I mean really.

I love my Diva Cup, but I would practice putting this in and taking it out a few times before your period. The first time I tried I swore it was stuck and was debating about using needle-nosed pliers to get it out, having my med student roommate remove it, or having my husband (then boyfriend) get it out. I eventually

I love my cats! My June is the best - she fetches and sometimes we spoon in the morning. Emmy is 19 and more of my husband's cat. I'm bracing myself for when she passes, as said husband will be devastated.

My cat tried to play with my yarn a few times, but it always results in yelling, because there is no way in hell I'm letting my cat (as much as I love my sweet girl) play with 80/20 merino blend.

Pets should be immortal.

Really getting into a good workout routine could help with your quitting smoking (congrats, btw). It's what helped me, but I was mostly a stress smoker and exercise was a better way of dealing with the stress. I still miss it at parties, though.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Kansas City's airport is still pretty nice for departing from because you can get there less than an hour before your flight leaves and still have plenty of time. The way they have it set up is very inefficient, but great for the customers.

I guarantee you I'll be in tears at the end. I was sobbing at the end of Lincoln (not the assassination but with the scene between Tommy Lee Jones and his wife), so I'm sure this will get me too.

Craft Thread!

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I'm not a fan of flying at all. I do it because I have to, but I view it as a necessary evil. The other week when we were going from Albuquerque to Kansas City via Denver, we had propeller planes for BOTH trips and they were pretty miserable.

I get this. I can do Ferris Wheels or merry-go-rounds, but I get motion sick at the drop of a hat, and that has evolved into outright terror of roller coasters. I think it comes from not being able to control it at all so that if I am nauseous I can't get off - I'm stuck on that thing. Oh man, my chest is getting

Rats. I fucking hate them.