I Will Be Damned

I saw this film back in March during the True/False film festival, and unfortunately Reinke wasn't there - the director just said that he was "continuing on his journey." Did he talk about what he was up to now?

Really? Huh, I have never gone through the process of reversing a declaration of death, but it kind of sounds like it would be a nightmare. If you don't mind me asking, what does that entail?

Yeah, but can you imagine declaring them all dead and then they come back?


This was my third T/F (unfortunately I had to leave early due to inclement weather), and The Overnighters was probably either the best or second best film I've seen there.

I agree completely. When I read Nucky on the list, my first thought was that these people have only seen an episode or two at best of this show. Watching him try to be "half a gangster" and then always having to get his hands dirty some way is fascinating, and his growth in seasons 2 and 3 has been incredible.

I'd say a good third of my crying moments in Lost came from Jin and Sun.

Anyone else remember when there was speculation that Emerson and O'Quinn were going to star in a show together post-Lost where they were ex-CIA agents or something? Man, I would have watched the shit out of it.

@avclub-53a226780628f3d898494942ad3dd491:disqus Do people really think That's My Dog is bad or just really hard to watch? I'm in the latter group - I hated that episode, but not because of quality. It was a well-done episode, but it was such an awful watching experience.

I've never felt this way about other shows, but whenever I see someone from Friday Night Lights working elsewhere, it warms my heart. Like seeing Mrs. Coach on Nashville or Jess on True Blood. It does for Landry too, but then I think, "Oh Landry, what have you got yourself into?"

I agree. Any investigation of Walt would lead them to the car wash, and it would only be a matter of time before they tied Skylar to the whole thing.

I'm pretty desperate - I found a skein of sock thread that didn't get packed with the rest, so I'm thinking about looking for something on ravelry and then buying a set of cheap needles. I'm also thinking about a quilt block or a cross stitch project.

Thanks everyone! I just want you all to know that the compassion I received from ya'll right after it happened really helped me out. I was telling very few people IRL, so the kind comments I received here were a comfort. You people are fantastic. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I'm more into thread crafts, like knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc. I haven't worked on anything lately because we're kind of in between places right now, so all of my stuff is packed. It's driving me nut as I hate sitting on the couch with nothing to do, so I'm thinking about heading to Jo-Ann's just to buy a little

The Assassination of Jesse James…is a beautifully shot film, but I really liked the shots in Skyfall and No Country…

If you're concerned about the status and it's not paranoia, it never hurts to prep the resume and put some feelers out there. I had started partially searching before I lost my job, so right after it happened I had companies I was keeping an eye on and an updated resume. It was one of these companies that I got the

Thanks! I hope so too. It definitely has a start-up feel - the guy in charge of the office doesn't care if we wear shorts, there are no cubicles just open office, stuff like that. I feel like it can't be worse than my past job.

It is. Especially after how I left my last job, I had full-on "I'm such a fuck up" depression for a bit. While my confidence is a bit shaky, I interviewed with six different people in the company for this job, so if they think I can do it, I feel better about it.

I cry way more often than I used to. *TMI Warning* This probably has to do with my cycle, but people losing spouses gets me a lot more than it did before I was married.

Oh hell, I forgot about the Toy Storys. "When Somebody Love Me" is pretty much one of the saddest songs ever.