I Will Be Damned

I really enjoyed Under the Banner of Heaven - I think Mormonism is fascinating and Krakauer told the story well. I have a copy of his Into Thin Air but I haven't read it yet.

I'm just about done with Middlesex. It took awhile for it to grow on me, but now I'm kind of hooked.

You can't go wrong with a few good children's books.

I'd have to take a day off work to mourn. That really sucks.

@avclub-dd1f2ad3a1bf536bc3d7ea8628152941:disqus Good Indian is hard to get to restaurant quality. It's like I'm cooking methadone, but I still have to go to restaurants to get the heroin.

Cajun/Creole or Thai for eating and cooking. Most cajun dishes are such labors of love, but they can turn out sooooo well (especially if you're liberal with butter). Thai food is quick, easy, relatively healthy, and really flavorful.

@avclub-3900018c3de7a0c4ae65aa4968175c30:disqus Do you really consider it a favorite? I'm not meaning to attack, it's just everyone I know (myself as well) who has watched SFU has HATED that episode. I know that it's well-done and obviously important, but it was so hard to watch. Granted, I haven't revisited it since

It sucks that it got spoiled for you.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Tyrion describes her aptly (paraphrase) - she's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is, and that's her downfall.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Do you want er, uh, pahty plattah?

It's been awhile since I've read them and I flew through them when I did, but I think they can edit out a lot of books four and five. By having Talisa and Blackfish at the RW, they can avoid all of the stuff going on at Riverrun. And from what I've heard, they're stopping the show after seven seasons. Depending on

@Dikachu:disqus Agreed about Tyrion.

@Scrawler2:disqus I heard Ned described as "too dumb to live in this world" and I think Robb inherited that particular trait. Just because you don't want to play the game doesn't mean you're immune from the game's risks.

Didn't it go grossly overbudget and have a lot of problems in production between the stars? I think that's how it got its bad reputation. Still, I loved it when I was a kid, and a lot of it still holds up as an adult.

I thought the same thing. There has to be some kind of shared history there.

I cannot agree with this more.

Has ZMF posted here in awhile? I thought he mostly stuck to Twitter these days.

I made an etoufee with chicken as opposed to shrimp (our bank account was painfully low this week). It was pretty good - I used Old Bay as opposed to making my own creole seasoning (I was also really lazy). However, I used red peppers instead of green, and that made it a touch too sweet.

Nice! I've only tried to make one piece of clothing - a skirt, which should have been easy, but I'm not talented on that kind of thing.

Hey, I'll be visiting friends in New Mexico! I'll wave to you!