I Will Be Damned

Gah, my previous comment was meant as a reply to this, but now it's gone. I should pay attention more.

How's tricks?

See, I interpreted the advice as ultimately siding against contacting the ex, if there is the possibility that he'll respond badly, she shouldn't do it. I don't think it was very clear, but I think it was there. I'm surprised he didn't mention anything about therapy, though.

This is what I thought happened! Gradual moving up towards the areas, and if the lady doesn't want it, she moves your hand away. At least that's how I always rolled.

It's not our trauma to understand. This is something that just stuck to her in a weird, negative way, and she obviously needs help moving past it (I don't know why she even brought up calling the police though - I think that's…a bit much).

Ugh. We're at least 45 minutes from an Indian restaurant, and I need to feed the craving more than that!

Oh, crap, I forgot about that one. I'll admit that I enjoy it as well.

Nor should you.

Elizabethtown. I know, I know, it just reminds me of home.

That definitely sounds fun.

Anybody have a good butter chicken recipe? I tried one this weekend, and while it was pretty good, it wasn't restraurant good.

I've never thought of this and now I'm never going to not think about it. Thanks for the idea!

That sounds really delicious - tell me more about the goat cheese biscuits - are they like American biscuits in texture or British?

I know, right? And it still holds up. But what are your thoughts on Written on the Body? From my experience of those who have read both, whichever book you read first you think is transcendant, and the other one never measures up.

I would look through your insurance network, and don't be afraid to call therapists and ask what they're all about. Some prefer want to work with certain types of patients (depression, children, LGBT). If the first person doesn't seem like they would work, ask for recommendations. That's how I found mine.

Ah, microwave. I've been really down the last week or so, so I haven't had the energy to invest in reheating and fancy ways. But those are good tips - I may try those tonight if I feel up to it.


Check out Jeanette Winterson's the Passion. It's a really short novel (seriously, you could read it in an afternoon), and there are some great passages about love.

I don't know if you already exercise, but if you don't, I would recommend starting an exercise program. The day after I seriously quit, I went to the gym and started running. I was shocked at how badly my breathing was affected. It will suck, but stick with it. Eventually, the runner's high will help deal with the

I made this pretty tasty sausage and tomato sauce thing served over white cheddar grits/polenta. It was good, but it doesn't reheat well, which is kind of a drag. I'm still going to eat it.