I Will Be Damned

I just end up taking pictures of the recipes I like on here with my phone. It's sad - I don't even try to remember stuff anymore.

Oh my God. Papa Del's. Their pizza was (is? Haven't been there in years) so good. I never understood the people who preferred Garcia's.

I do! I can't remember any of the visuals, though.

I admire your willpower. My husband and I said that about a box of Thin Mints we got. We ate one roll on the ride home (granted, we were coming back from a road trip). We ate the next one the following night.

Maybe not how starlets felt about the little girl, but how people in general LOVE to hate young actresses, like Anne Hathaway.

I haven't found it online, but I have this memory of reading an Onion "interview" (I'm thinking in the paper edition) with Dakota Fanning that had her smoking, miming giving head, and swearing like a sailor. I'm thinking it must have been several years ago, because I remember thinking that it was very borderline in

Annette Bening?

Oh, sorry, it's more maple syrup and balsalmic vinegar together. And come to think of it, I had to sub agave nectar because I had just run out of syrup. But it was really good!

Yes! Just beets, kambocha, and pecans.

But if this guy is in Australia and you're not going to interact with him again UNLESS you do this, what do you have to lose? So what if he thinks you "look desperate?" He's one guy out of seven billion and (if he rejects you) one less asshole you have to waste your time on.

Last night I made this slaw with beets, kambocha squash, and pecans with a maple-balsamic dressing. It's kind of amazing. I'm having it for lunch right now.

That song just exudes sexiness. Which is kind of weird, with the age difference between the two singers, but maybe it's an "older the violin, sweeter the music" type thing.

Have you seen him play it on the Wrecking Ball tour? When it comes to the Big Man line, the music just stops, the crowd goes nuts, and they play a photo montage of Clemons. A little awkward, but I still teared up a bit.

@avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus Have you ever given crocheting a try? It's a hell of a lot faster and significantly more forgiving than knitting. I've been doing this thing lately where I crochet afghans for people whose weddings I'm in, and I can usually get them done in a few months.

Holy crap, can we make this a real thing? I quilt, knit, crochet, and I'm trying to teach myself how to weave (I made myself a little inkle loom to see if I like it). Right now I'm working on the Port Huron Crib Blanket pattern that was on Purl Bee…oh, maybe a year ago? I actually shelled out for the nice yarn (I'm

If this happened in real life, it would make me so incredibly happy.

The Rapture line made me chuckle for a few minutes, if only because it reminded me so much of my own high school.

It was a neat ad. I watched the show tonight because Nature looked boring and I didn't want to change the channel for thirty minutes, and I was pleasantly surprised.

@avclub-93bf0903fd207bdfd856ede8e84f7d1f:disqus This method was easy and good enough to make me consider trying different risottos like this. But again, I've only done it once, so I might try it with other flavor combinations and it could end badly. Regardless, good luck!

It doesn't seem like it would work, and it isn't an exact replica, but it's good enough for government work. You start off like you would with a risotto - melting the butter, onions, coating the rice, but then when things start getting hairy you put a lid on the pot and pop it in the oven.