I Will Be Damned

Has anyone here tried oven-baked risotto? I made it once, and it was good enough to justify the considerably smaller amount of effort I had to put in to make it.

Don't we also have our first Buddhist and Hindu legislators being sworn in as well? I feel like that's a positive step.

Ugh, this is kind of…I don't know, weird, but I'd really like to thank the commenters on this thread for recommending Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. I asked for it for Christmas based on recommendations here, and mind = blown. It's almost overwhelming with all of the information in there. Thanks, guys!

Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting caught up so I can join everyone in the comments here for the final season.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting caught up so I can join everyone in the comments here for the final season.

I KNOW! We, er, acquired the fifth season so we wouldn't have to wait for it to get on Netflix, but husband and I agreed to take some time off from it, primarily because we were ending sentences with "bitch" and "yo" an unhealthy amount.

I KNOW! We, er, acquired the fifth season so we wouldn't have to wait for it to get on Netflix, but husband and I agreed to take some time off from it, primarily because we were ending sentences with "bitch" and "yo" an unhealthy amount.

I got into Breaking Bad this year as well. Thank you Netflix.

I got into Breaking Bad this year as well. Thank you Netflix.

When my brother and I were kids, my mom would rent movies and then put a sheet on the floor where she would put snacks, particularly potato chips and French onion dip, and we would stay up watching movies. We decided to revisit this tradition a couple of years ago, and it was a good decision, especially now because we

When my brother and I were kids, my mom would rent movies and then put a sheet on the floor where she would put snacks, particularly potato chips and French onion dip, and we would stay up watching movies. We decided to revisit this tradition a couple of years ago, and it was a good decision, especially now because we

Gun control isn't necessarily about removing all guns. It's about having reasonable laws governing gun ownership. I'm all for people being able to own guns, but I see no practical reason why any sane person would want automatics. If you collect them, you can remove the firing pin.

Gun control isn't necessarily about removing all guns. It's about having reasonable laws governing gun ownership. I'm all for people being able to own guns, but I see no practical reason why any sane person would want automatics. If you collect them, you can remove the firing pin.

@avclub-533ca2b2811b0f2b9017696f55797215:disqus this. I try not to think about people who think that reasonable restrictions on some types of guns is this huge violation of our civil liberties. Do you have a right to defend yourself? Yes. Do you have a right to go hunting? Sure. But you can do both of those things

@avclub-533ca2b2811b0f2b9017696f55797215:disqus this. I try not to think about people who think that reasonable restrictions on some types of guns is this huge violation of our civil liberties. Do you have a right to defend yourself? Yes. Do you have a right to go hunting? Sure. But you can do both of those things

I'm always such a chicken when it comes to roux. The darkest I'll let it go is caramel colored because it seems to be such a thin line between delicious chocolate brown roux and a burnt mess. Good job on your success - it sounds amazing.

I'm always such a chicken when it comes to roux. The darkest I'll let it go is caramel colored because it seems to be such a thin line between delicious chocolate brown roux and a burnt mess. Good job on your success - it sounds amazing.
