
She gave a great performance, both as Crazy Eyes and as Crazy-Eyes-Doing-Shakespeare.

3-2-1 Contact! I forgot about that show! Thinking about it now, I'm not sure it wasn't just a giant parody show that I took too seriously.

I am 100% certain that this joke was the basis for the entire concept.

More John Cho always.

I want to be, I truly want to be. But can it hold up in a post-UCB (or at least, post-UCB-mainstreaming) world?

100% agree. The first episode promises an excellent surreal and dark possibly supernatural mystery. By the end it's essentially an episode of Law and Order SVU. Such a far distance to fall.

I think the Shadow Line credits are near-perfect. The mix of that Emily Barker song is excellent, the swirling, sinister red. I also quite liked the credits for The Hour (rip), though I know that some folks thought it was a big heavy-handed.

At least the Homeland music doesn't make me want to rip off my ears. That Mindy music is so very grating that it really does discourage me from watching the show.

You've watched The Mighty Boosh, I hope? A far better way to get a small Ayoade fix than The Watch.

You forget how often addiction begins at a truly young age—pre- or early teens even. The vast majority of addicts in America began using as minors. We say that you can't legally consent to sex under the age of 18—this is because in fact the decision-making powers of adults are not present in children. Why would we say

@avclub-ce7da3812ed2a993e2194cd75e94b18b:disqus Good tip, Myles, thanks. I wouldn't say I didn't like the first two, just that it wasn't delivering what I wanted. Maybe by the time your next review rolls around I'll have changed my mind.

Hmm, disagree. Netflix wins for interface, but Amazon Instant has some quality titles that Netflix doesn't—plus, I like that I can stream pretty much anything, even if I have to pay a rental fee.

I'm only two episodes in, but I agree with all of this. It's watchable, I'll probably finish the series while I do something else in another browser tab, but it doesn't have the cohesiveness nor the complexity of character I'd like it to. I actually wish it would go darker—not more feminine products in sandwiches, but

That's ok. I live in perpetual hope and the belief that everyone, even PDN, can redeem themselves if given the chance.

Moone Boy! My nagging paid off! You guys realise, of course, the dangerous precedent this sets for my future commenting. 

It's comments like this that earn you your name.

A great film idea, but we could never get the real Cookie Monster. We'd be left with some second-rate imitation, and no one wants to see that.

We can discuss it here for now! What did everyone think? I've been singing its praises so loudly for a year now, and I want my opinion vindicated!

Death of the author is a great theory for criticism—it doesn't work so well for media commercialization.

This is an infinitely beautiful joke.