
Uh oh, the mere fact that you would say that should make you question yours.

Moone Boy is coming to Hulu? That's great news! Everyone here should watch it. I still contend it was the best show of 2012

Now Voyager is absolutely phenomenal in every way.

Perfect username/avatar/comment synergy.

What if all actors could only play characters that are puns on their own name? Just imagine:

In re: that picture. Are you really telling me that the show Defiance took someone with the last name Leonidas and put her in what is essentially lion make-up?

Huh, I'm not getting that. Maybe its based on where you're accessing it from? Maybe Google Adwords has upped their game even further?

Who else watched Luther last night?

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Hmm, big law or finance…Either way, you have my admiration and my pity.

There has been a promise of Alice!

Well, you know Kim and Kanye. Always tending toward restraint, never enough nerve.

So do I. I'll make up for it by liking yours.

It's one case where I think the cover surpasses the original (sorry, Nilsson fans). Neko adds such pathos. Honestly, the only other person I could see doing it better is Queen Emmylou, but I've never found a version by her.

Don't Forget Me is such a solid choice. Pretty much any Harry Nilsson is a solid choice.

My mom says basically the same thing, and it makes me sad. Funerals aren't for the dead, they're for the living. I'm a big believer in ceremonial closure. The least you can do in life is let people love you—which includes letting them mourn you when you're gone.

Destroyer's "Kaputt". Totally acceptable. My mother will love all the talk of cocaine.

Great choice. And may flights of Chip Zien(s) sing thee to thy rest

Damn. Yes. This is the right answer.

"Gravity Rides Everything" is my Modest Mouse pick. To close following Destroyer's "Poor in Love" and The National's" Apartment Story".

Female James Bond must find the seventh son of the seventh son before the Dark Rider summons the Old Ones—and she's got to look fabulous while doing so.