
Yeah, North Hollywood Medical Center (also the set for Scrubs) is finally being torn down.

@avclub-e2e5a2b50da03a9ddf60898ebb20ebf4:disqus Just like all his movie audiences do.

If he hadn't been a songwriter, Dan Bejar would have been Canada's greatest philosopher.

Well, you left off the obvious #1 Chump Change as well as Daughters of Sorrow.

*gasps* *cries* *collapses whispering "I love you, Dan Bejar"*

Plus, you don't let a name as symbolic of love as "Amo" go to waste on an enemy.

Why haven't we had one good UK sitcom this summer?



Pink is the anti-Kayne. Can't stand her music, but I think she seems like a cool lady. Love Kanye's music, but he seems like the most insufferable self-satisfied obnoxion this side of Justin Bieber.

I've finished the series and I'll say I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I don't think it's one of the best shows of the year. I liked most of the acting, I enjoyed watching Bennett smile, and I truly appreciated the lengths that that the show went to to humanize and flesh out all its characters. It gets an A overall for

I mean, there's no way they didn't hook up sometimes. No way.

Yeah, no doubt. Other shows might be better. Other episodes might be better. But no single scene broadcast so far in 2013 is as good as that Kiss.

I know this might be blasphemy but this season of Justified was just a better season of TV than this season of Mad Men. Mad Men might be the better show overall, but in that match up, Justified won 2013.

OTP. but like, platonic OTP who only hooks up maybe once or twice.

I am unequivocally against the use of punctuation at the end of band names. It should never be done and there are absolutely no exceptions.

I was a child in the US, but in the late 80s rather than early 80s, and it flew right by me. I guessed Smurfs, too. Not a good sign when your referenced-based humor references shows people don't remember.

Someone never read The Secret Garden. Or the Jungle Book. Or basically any children's book by a colonialist Victorian.

First season of Weeds is one of the best first seasons of any show I've ever seen. And then it never comes close again.

Opposite reaction here. I find Jason Biggs so viscerally grating that I couldn't ever begin to sympathize with him. And in a show with a cast as strong as this one, he stands out even worse.