
I think the answer is both. This show would never give us a truly sympathetic character. Catherine is outside of the political circus, but she's just as obnoxious in her own, privileged college-kid way.

Agreed. Thought about it just a bit too much. Kept just thinking "Sylvia, you in danger, girl".

That old woman in the forest told me to be careful with my wishes. If only I'd listened!!

As I recall, the reviews for his lady-Tardis episode were mixed. Maybe they don't want to remind people?

I prefer Richard Coyle when he sticks to comedy. Still, with ITV's recent showing on the comedy side, maybe drama's the best we can hope for. 

People have a negative reaction to Singing in the Rain? I feel like my brain can't even process that. Sure, I watched it because my parents loved it, but that didn't mean I didn't love it, too.

Wait, Raiders is undoubtedly the better film?? I have never thought that before.

Those adventure movies were my jam, and they're interestingly of such a specific 1950s/60s aesthetic. I also was (and remain) completely obsessed with Swiss Family Robinson and Doctor Doolittle.

Me too. And I think my desire to be lady Marian might be part of the reason I keep dying my hair auburn.

Aw, as a girl child I loved her. She was (and remains) everything I wanted to grow up to be.

YES. This is the answer. I love everything about that little special, and I love something new about it every time I watch it. It's amazing that the same half hour can appeal to a peppy, happy-go-lucky child, a jaded pseudo-intellectual college student and whatever it is I am now.

I think "loved" implies that with each viewing you get something new, that the film remains compelling every time. 

God, I loved that movie so much. Treguna, mekoindis, trecorum, satis di.

Oh, wow, Guns of Navarone is definitely one of my longest-loved movies. My dad controlled the VCR in our house, and we positively wore out the tape in that one. Since then, we've gone through 2 DVDs of it—it's pretty much the soundtrack to every family event.

Great Mouse Detective was one of my very favorite as a child, but Ratigan was legitimately terrifying (I loved Toby most of all). It's a movie I still watch when it's on TV or I'm feeling down, but I wouldn't say it's a movie I've "loved  the longest". I think in order to really love a film you have to appreciate

@Scrawler2:disqus Who do you think Jonah's dad is? Because I know tons of versions of that dude (oh, DC life), and something suddenly makes sense when you learn who their dad is.

That straight-up mothafucking dick pig.

Raja does everything better. Did you see her Hindu goddess get-up? I think it even beat Detox's black and white for sheer artistry. 

I agree with this. The show always seems just short of good—like it has all the right ingredients but was in the oven a bit too long. I watch it almost as much to try to put my finger on what's not quite right as I do to enjoy it.
