
Sometimes this show just feels so genuine and real to me, it's almost eerie. Did people in their 20s think that about Friends in the 90s? Or is New Girl really just that good at capturing those little emotional realities?

That's great TV news! The Trip is one of my most loved products-of-human-creativity in any medium. Can't wait.

Oh man, I can't even process these things you're saying. It's like learning there are people who breathe through their eyes.

He is definitely Glenn and Phil's somehow less competent lovechild.

Agreed. And that's why he spends very little time in the West Wing.

I heard the first guy's voice as I was turned away from the tv and it was close enough that I had a brief moment of elation thinking "OH my God they got Idris Elba this is going to be the greatest episode ever made". Then I turned around and it wasn't him—honestly, I don't think there was any way for this episode to

Good Omens will sell you. Both Gaiman and Terry Pratchett were at their best when they collaborated—they cancelled out each others' more self-indulgent instincts.

That has to be for a role right? Tell me it's for a role.

Now where's the Soderbergh commentary for Rumor Has It?

That's essentially how I feel about the British film industry in the early 70s. It fills me with inertia.

Me too, man, me too. And, thanks to you, it will happen at least a dozen times in the next week.

@avclub-baf85a9c743fef2c046bd5cd59d7fc98:disqus Thank you.

I never saw it! Worth checking out?

You're gonna think I'm crazy, but I promise you: Rihanna and young Lauren Bacall look a LOT alike.

I, too, was obsessed with it as a kid—though I admit I didn't see much of a difference between it and Swiss Family Robinson. Still love them both, though now for different reasons.

Some fantastic writing, even more fantastic drinking.

Why aren't more people obsessed with Leslie Howard? He's like a more thespian proto-Niven. What's not to like?

Key Largo and The Petrified Forest are two of my favorite movies and perfect examples of films that couldn't be made today. They're essentially, as @avclub-3111c60f45680e4001c9e8dcb40bc7c3:disqus points out, stage shows on the screen, with a simple setting and a seething subtext. Excellent movies.

Not as horribly as some other people have misunderstood them

I love Veep, but I actually think that people probably find it funnier if they haven't seen The Thick of It. TToI is just miles above it in terms of one-liners, pacing, satire, and characterization. Veep's still one of the best things on TV right now, but TToI is one of the best things that's ever been on TV.