
Agreed with K. Thrace. Plus, when the comments are up right after an episode ends, the first 15 are just quotations, which personally I think adds little. Let it marinate; enjoy the time between episode and review to ruminate.

Also, he looks like a character from "Darkwing Duck". I can't quite figure out which one, but I'm leaning toward Morgana.

Except, of course, for the groupies of The Bloodthirsty Gourds, a band I am certain must exist somewhere.

I'm so glad the university saw fit to add you to the faculty. Where would we be without you, Professor Cuntburglar?

Agreed—the whole time, I just felt like the actors were mugging over and over. Especially Allison Brie. At first I thought it was all some sort of set up, like they'd cut to an audience and make some meta joke.

Seriously amazing chemistry, though. Helped by the fact that Thomas M. Wright is unbelievably attractive.

Yeah, I just marathoned it. I think it's the most incredible single piece of television I've seen in a long time, even with all its plot flaws.

April 20 is also Hitler's birthday.

That's because Alaska and Jinkx are both artists. Roxxxy is just a performer.

I love Jinkx and have wanted her to take home the crown since before this season even started—so it's saying something that I now would be just as content with an Alaska win. Alaska has stealthily just dominated in everything she does.

Wow, I hadn't even commented on this thread yet.

I'll give you those points!

Wow really? Maybe I should start watching—she's one of my favorite character actors

As someone who's lived three/four hours to both sides of Eastern Time, I kind of appreciate when there's a bit of a gap between show and review—it gives more people the chance to watch it and play along in the comments.

@avclub-5ab2d56d52aeb5fa908e3565823c21f2:disqus And First Dates with Toby Harris!

Oof, get thee to a theatre, buddy.

There's no way it won't win, which I think is a shame. Yes, it's a great episode, a great way to end the series (or pause it for a long time) and features phenomenal song-writing, but it's ultimately just a really great example of a musical sitcom. I'd like to see some discussion of music used in other ways on TV.

I'm voting for this because I want to see the AV Club's take on a Variety Show. The format here is so different from the other choices and one we don't see much of anymore.

I nominated Penguins of Madagascar, but no one nominated South Park? How did we let that one slip by us?

Have you read Michael Chabon's book about baseball, Summerland? Completely weird, but for lovers of baseball, not a bad choice.