
I liked Moving Wallpaper and No Heroics

@avclub-cd3695fb409b3ce6dc60ca44b08983ac:disqus I think there's this impression in the US that all British sitcoms are well written and clever—not so. The well written and clever ones gain deserved critical acclaim and become internationally known. But no one in the US ever talks about Miranda or Mrs. Brown's Boys,

@avclub-9808b9d9bef3cc06261d0ca743532cfc:disqus So true. I like The Village so far, but 2013 has not been a good year—Dancing on the Edge was mediocre, Utopia was boring, Mr. Selfridge wilted thanks to Jeremy Piven, and I'm sure there's even more that underwhelmed that I can't recall at the moment.

Yep. Don't give him a starring role, but let him pop up playing crazy in all my favorite shows and I'll be happy forever.

This episode gets at least a B+ for me based on guest characters alone—Jason Mantzoukas, Harris Wittels and Colton Dunn are my podcast dream team.

"Decent" is pushing it. I think it maxes out at "watchable."

Excellent option, but it doesn't have the Funk.

Scott, this column in particular and your work at the AV Club in general has essentially given me a film theory education—or at least let me fool some people into thinking I knew what I was talking about. A comment is a poor exchange for what you've offered, but I hope you know your work is appreciated and adored. I

I think without the gravitas of an established practice as an Analrapist, you're just not gonna to be able to take that top spot.

Wait, if we're nominating UK shows, the obvious choice is The Mighty Boosh! The only challenge is choosing which episode—my vote is for the Legend of Old Gregg

Neil Patrick Harris musical guest appearances could be a category unto themselves. I also suggest his turn as Dr. Blowhole in Penguins of Madagascar

I don't know that I've thought of this song in at least 7 years, but apparently every single word of it is still up there somewhere.

Pretty sure it's Frank Cappello from the Earwolf team

These are strange strange nominations. So much love for the only slightly better than mediocre Twenty Twelve. And seriously, Miranda Hart?

I've been pulling for Jinkxy ever since I saw her audition video before the season even began, but Alaska has done such an amazing job of being hilarious and good-natured that I'd be just as happy to see her win.

Wait, serious question from an ignorant West Coaster: Isn't "The South" just generally any state that was part of the Confederacy? Of course, there's big differences in culture (Appalachia, Gulf Coast, etc) and obviously, there's a cultural "South" that might not be overlapping but not the same, but I thought by

You say Ayn Rand, I say Elena Kagan.

I decided not to got to Princeton when on the weekend I visited my host left me at a "State School" themed party where everyone wore wife beaters and bandanas and blacked out their teeth.

Stan + Peggy bromance 4eva!

Mad Men has been, for the entirety of its run, a contender for funniest show on television. Archer and Justified are its only real competition.