

Anyone else really wanting the VP's husband and James to have a continued affair? I probably shouldn't ship it as much as I do, but it seems pretty clear Cyrus and James can't stand each other and shouldn't be together (I guess there could be a contest between this show and Modern Family for "gay couple that hates

I believe Modern Family has four, not three outstanding comedy series Emmys?

I laughed just as hard rereading the jokes here as I did watching them; which is to say, the jokes this episode were really great

I was basically convinced that Sandra was doing really poorly in challenges as a way not to attract attention to herself until she fumbled so early in the final immunity challenge. And yeah, good point about her effect on those votes; I think that her way of flipping those votes often relied on getting other people to

ugh, I typed out a pretty long comment because it's possible that I binge watched all of Pearl Islands over the last day, but Disqus ate my comment (nobody likes you, Disqus)

Doing a year abroad and my term didn't start until October, so I had too much free time when the season started

This is my first season watching Survivor, and fuck, what have I been doing with my life for the last 13 years. This show is fantastic

This episode was great. The second season's shaping up to be much better than the first, I think

Putting gay people up on some fucking pedestal so they can only make (basically) good life decisions isn't progress and still results in less than great media representation.

Basically what I got out of this episode is that "Ian Brennan's Glee" could be a really good show while we're unfortunately stuck with "Ryan Murphy's Glee".

Since this episode sucked and Back in the Game isn't getting weekly reviews, anyone care to talk about that? I'm amazed at how in both of its first two episodes, the show has had really poignant, heartfelt moments that, to me, felt earned.

"Healthy sexual curiosity" does not justify using another person's body without their consent…

I really wanted Mitchell and the dull-but-hot-intern-with-a-band to hook up or something, if only because Modern Family hasn't really dealt with that sort of situation and Mitchell/Cam plots are getting really tired.

Lost, season 3 episode 14, Exposé? What happens to Nikki and Paulo still freaks me out..

The funniest storyline of the night was easily Diane's revenge on the older kids for spilling the salsa. So glad they replaced the actress who played the daughter - I can't imagine this having worked otherwise. Also, the twins now look a lot more like each other and like they could be the same age.

"We'll have to cut holes in all his pants!"

Wrong review

The promotion for this show that I read described it as being from "Chefs Gordon Ramsay and Graham Elliot, and restauranteur Joe Bastianich," which I like to think was a dig at Bastianich.

I loved Suddenly, Last Summer, and really hated First Days.