Anonymous Guest

They just want to return to a time when people liked Yuengling.

Kiedis hasn't commented? Then how is this a feud?

Oh god, that's embarrassing. This is as awkward as that dinner with Samwise Gamgee and his father.

Isn't it common knowledge that if someone is shooting arrows at you while you're running away, you should run in a random zig zag pattern? Stupid Rickon.

Jason Segal blew me away. Eisenberg just seemed very… Jesse Eisenberg. Distractingly so. Unless David Lipsky is a lot like Jesse Eisenberg in person, his performance wasn't much of a stretch. And I also have never read DFW but may have to pick up Infinite Jest for the plane ride home.

I liked the Lithuanian Lesbian movie. Worth a rental. Based on my experience reading AV Club I estimate you would have given it a solid B.

I don't know what to believe. But I think it's crazy that anyone who just murdered someone would ask someone they're not really friends with to help them dig a hole and bury the body.

"Head Underwater" - Jenny Lewis
"Cedar Lane" - First Aid Kit
"JM" - Strand of Oaks
"Talking Backwards" - Real Estate
"Timebomb" - Tove Lo
"Chandelier" - Sia
"Seasons" - Future Islands
"Break Free" - Ariana Grande/Zedd
"Gimme Something Good" - Ryan Adams
"The British Are Coming" - Weezer
"Fuckmylife666" - Against Me!
"An Ocean

My favorites were:

Wait, the PTC is pushing for a la carte cable??

I actually thought Heroes was pretty bad the first season. I kept up with it because I felt it had potential. But the acting and writing were awful, and they relied way too heavily on the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" catchphrase. Once the season ended in such a thud, I had equal feelings of regret (for

Do artists get compensated when their song is played on the radio? And if so, how does that pay compare to streaming services when you consider that each airplay is heard by thousands of listeners (vs. a stream, in theory, being heard by one person)?

If the careers of his siblings are best captured by the videos posted in this article, I don't think it's any great crime that this material is overshadowed by MJ's legacy. I'm sure they had other decent output but every song posted here is dated and highly forgettable. No one would still be talking about "Heart

Same for me. I was a 6th grader listening to Top 40 exclusively until I heard this song. I'd never put it up there with Metallica's earlier work at this point, but it still holds a lot of nostalgic value for me.

I hate to break it to you, Marah, but her vocals are auto-tuned on every track. It's basically standard at this point.

"But the film should win her some fans, if for no other reason than it shatters the glass ceiling of cumming-of-age comedies. Liberated from her trademark snark, Plaza tackles the awkwardness of fledgling foreplay with screwball abandon. Her bed-hopping protagonist is never denigrated as a slut; she instead embodies a

Not a lot of love for Backspacer here, I see.  It's my favorite of their post-90's albums.

If Dana were a real person she would have the most altruistic moral integrity of any teenager in the history of the planet.  That's part of why I find this sub-plot so irritating.  Dana's stubborn refusal to take any easy opportunity to get away with the hit-and-run, while commendable, is completely unbelievable.

If Dana were a real person she would have the most altruistic moral integrity of any teenager in the history of the planet.  That's part of why I find this sub-plot so irritating.  Dana's stubborn refusal to take any easy opportunity to get away with the hit-and-run, while commendable, is completely unbelievable.

Pitchfork's #3 album of the year.