
Aw, give poor Sophia a break. It's not like a good performance from her could have saved that Movie I Pretend Doesn't Exist.

1. I guess I'm the only person who really didn't think Rosemary's Baby was so horribly scary? I've seen the movie and thought it was okay (of course, having John Cassavetes in it automatically makes it worth watching more than once); I read the book and thought it was okay. But I don't believe I was actually scared

Well, for one thing, he wasn't aggressively proud of being ignorant and uneducated, and he didn't scream like an infant when he wasn't given exactly what he wanted.

Agreed. I am really hating this new Failure Don we keep getting shoved down our throats.

@avclub-e329caccd50119a7e020cb5532f30569:disqus Sally was "flat out lying?"

@avclub-6eaac84b8b1cdbb855bdad02f8faa344:disqus It doesn't matter how old he is. Decent men of any age do not say, "What are you, frigid?" to girls who do not wish to make out with them.

Yeah…I don't think so.

And monkey's brains, though popular in Cantonese cuisine, are not usually served in Washington D.C.!

'scuse him while he whips this out.

He couldn't really have a real conversation when she wouldn't open the door, though. I think he would have said more if she had.

While Pete bobbles the phone and then collapses in tears.

For me :For Immediate Release" still wins, but just barely. This was a great episode, definitely.

I know it was you, Bob Benson. You broke my heart…you broke my HEAAAART!

Yeah, and? That's why we come here…for recaps and discussion.

No, I think from his use of "Isn't it possible to love HIM?" while looking soulfully at Pete, when really the discussion Pete was having was "How can some guy want my dried-up old MOM?" it's pretty clear Bob's gay.

@Marquis_Moon:disqus Ah, sorry. :-) We're behind on Community here, so have missed a lot.

Why does "empowered" mean "non-sexual?" Alison Brie is a beautiful woman. Why can't she be beautiful and sexy but still strong? For that matter, if we're looking at era-specific cultural norms (or modern-day ones, for that matter) isn't it possible that she's strong *because* she's beautiful, because she's always had

Lol. I think Cutler could have still had Roger and Teddy pissed off at him and it could have increased the tension between the two "sides," but yeah, the "Say! This guy will be happy to cover up whatever slime I trail behind me!" factor could very well have been a major part of that decision, too.

Yeah, but I think Bob got more responsibility for the way he pulled Cutler's ass out of the fire, lying and saying he begged to take the meeting instead of Cutler being lazy and irresponsible.

Yeah, that bugged me too, the look of horror on Joan's and Peggy's faces.