
There better be some Granny Pauline in the second half of this season, or I'll be pretty angry.

I loved the bit about how they could go anywhere in space and time but usually end up in London during the Blitz; my houseful of Whovians laughed quite hard at that.

I don't understand anyone who didn't laugh at "There must be almost a hundred luftballons!"

The sad thing is, I was so excited to find the AV Club because it was so like the "old" Gawker sites. I registered right away. And now… I guess I'll look elsewhere.

Agreed. I used to be a regular commenter on Gawker, io9, and Jezebel (this was back when you had to audition and be approved). I spent a lot of time every day hanging out, chatting, reading the articles and comments, and generally having a good time with a bunch of smart, funny, interesting people.

OMG! I LOVE the clever way you force me to re-log-in every time I want to reply to a comment, which requires me logging out first (!) which moves me back to your ugly homepage so I have to click "Back" to go back to the article with the comment I was going to reply to, which of course loses the comment I was going to

But not only do I loathe Disqus, I have used Disqus to comment in a few other places which forced me to register, and so have used all my email addresses for Disqus accounts that I do not recall the passwords to (or, in at least one case, the username for). So it's pretty much impossible for me to create a new Disqus

And I guess it also automatically logs us out very couple of hours?

Seriously. It looks like the page hasn't finished loading, with all these enormous words just kind of floating around in all this blank white space.

Hope you like our redesign! We think it's much easier; just follow the 149 tips in the User Manual and click a bunch of colored boxes to find stuff that used to be easily accessible right in front of you!

That's how the movie novelization (yeah, I bought it when it came out!) ended: Andie and Duckie.

Still alive? Maybe. Still not funny? Definitely. Never was funny.

"More pointless and ghoulish than funny or fun" describes everything Kaufman ever did.

The Velvet Underground has been one of my favorite bands since I discovered them at age seventeen. They've been a HUGE influence on me, on my work, on my life… I am heartbroken.

They just aired the two "Sylvia" episodes here in the UK; I have DVRed them to watch with my husband. I totally remember this episode when it originally aired, and I was so, so creeped out and affected by it.


What? It's extremely clear in the novel THE VIRGIN SUICIDES that the girls' confinement is parentally imposed. Hence their rebellion(s) against it.

They are awful. I am stunned by how strongly I loathe Skye in such a short period of time.

Ward is dull and Mary Skye is really, really annoying and generic. I'd be happy to see both of them go bye-bye, and let us have more Coulson. I agree; he actually has chemistry with others and seems like a real person who is really doing a job, instead of a brainless personification of a stereotype.

This was better than the first episode, but Skye just needs to GO. Everything about her is awful.