
@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus So Mad Men is really just yet another "update" of A CHRISTMAS CAROL? Or maybe the Charlie Sheen classic THE WRAITH set in an ad agency without the awesome Dodge concept car?

I know what a Dom is and have D/s friends, and still didn't get it.

The TVWOP recaps make me sad these days. The MM recapper seems to hate the show and everyone in it, and misses so much stuff.

He tried to give it to Anna Draper, but I don't recall if she took it.

Their marriage was doomed the minute he proposed. She's not the person he thought she was, and vice versa.

The state didn't "take her baby away." She gave it up for adoption.

They could approach Brando.

Yeah, set an over-run, or maybe try recording whatever's on next, too?

I seriously loved every Pete moment in this episode.

But don't forget, too, that Irish = Catholic, and there was still plenty of Catholic prejudice (lots of people didn't think Kennedy had a chance because of his religion).

That's what I assumed, and immediately jumped to Joey's mom on Friends, and Monica explaining the "mistake" the post office made with her wedding invitation with, "What are they, Irish?"

Right! I mean, they met with the underwriter fairly late on a Saturday night, and there's Bob Benson, hanging out at SCDP.

I loved everything about Pete in this episode, actually.

How mature is the 18-y-old? What other shows/movies do they like?

Has it not improved her finances, though? We see her in a lot of new outfits, and there don't seem to be things breaking in her apartment; I assumed she's socking a lot of cash away for Kevin, and of course supporting her mother, too, who is able to make hair appointments etc. these days.

Am I the only one wondering if Bob Benson is homeless, or living at the Y or something? He's ALWAYS in the office; when Pete's there until all hours, there's Bob walking by. When the partners sans Don are meeting the underwriter guy, Bob Benson is still there. He's sitting in the reception area upstairs to "enjoy the

Yeah, I agree. He wasn't saying it just to spoil her fun, he was saying it to keep her from wandering the city streets in the rain, confused and alone. The woman almost started a fire in his apartment the day before; setting her loose in NYC would have been dangerous and irresponsible of him.

And they told him he couldn't have one until they grew…now they've grown. :-)

@avclub-996e9ce027393d2da9669962656097e0:disqus He was really, really cool. I just wish I'd recognized him so could tell him how much I'd enjoyed his show. (I did tell my boss the next day to please pass it on and explain the beard confusion.)

So how long do we think it'll be before Harry demands a partnership now that the business has expanded (since Roger told him they had to get bigger before they could get bigger)?