
@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus  Yes, and everyone who heard of them went off and started their own domestic terrorism group.

I met him!!!

I'm really starting to wonder what's wrong with me, because I quite like Ted. and everyone else seems to think he's horrible and gross. I mean, the turtlenecks have to go, but he seems like a decent guy. (I seem to be the only one who heard his "Hope you left something for us" comment at the Heinz pitch as classy and

Eh, Harry lost a lot of points with me when he lied to Betty about Don's phone call when Don called to see how her test results came out. That was a genuinely lousy thing to do; rude to Don and hurtful to his wife—imagine how you would feel thinking your ex-husband, the father of your children, didn't even care if you

When I picture someone "Layne Pricing," I'm not sure if it means picking up a Playboy Bunny or beating somebody up old-school style.

Ladies and gentlemen…the Nixon Dancers!

Maybe they were thinking if they propositioned Don they could make him more comfortable, like if he went back to their place for swingin' fun, he'd see how innocent and meaningless her kissing scene was?

The look(s) on Don's face…priceless.

Oh, I know he doesn't care about it, but still. He DID give her her start; he did that for her.

Also, I am stunned at the thought process that goes, "Hmm. This girl I know is very worried about how her husband will react when he hears she has to kiss someone else for work. I think the best way to help her is to invite her and her husband to get high and naked with me and my husband, because clearly, that's the

Also, I thought it was interesting that she accused him of not caring about her career, when she pretty much OWES her career to him.

Lol. I guess, but…John Wayne doing a scene from Camelot?

Is Bob Benson the ghost of Bert Cooper's testicles?

Would he or would he not be EXCELLENT at Harry Crane's job?

No. No, I'm sorry, you don't get to use the word "bitch" in a clearly pejorative fashion—especially when your other (and sole) complaints are that she is also "heavy" and "loud-mouth"—and then pretend you meant it all empowerment, yo, so what's our problem? You *love* bitches, except when they're the heavy loud-mouth

I think the problem was she was expecting him to react to her petulance and b*tchiness the way he used to, by grabbing her and having his way with her on the floor.

Wasn't it awful? I was stunned by the badness of it.

IMO, Don is back to his cheating ways because Megan turned out to be not what he thought she was (I'm not blaming her, just saying). It seemed to me that when she decided she hated advertising, that dealt their marriage a blow, and then when she kind of emotionally blackmailed him into getting her the acting job in

Queen is still a big huge deal in England; I don't think they needed Wayne's World to inspire a concert.

Just rewatched this one (the hubs has to go to bed early, so missed last night's premiere). More proof that no matter how much Pete tries, he will never be Don: When his latest conquest comes bursting through the door all bloody, and her husband shouts "She's your problem now, Campbell!" the first thing Pete does is