
Also, am I allowed to say it's still way better than the nonsense on Slate?

Well, I dunno. We saw a lot of Peggy's Catholicism, too, but it hasn't come up so much as An Issue aside from her mother's "Sluts end up alone" speeches.

Oooh, clever! I hadn't thought of that.

And if he disagrees with you, you can always change him from a rooster to a hen with one shot!

I love that scene so much.

I so wish we could have seen what happened during that drive.

But the thing about Trudy is, no matter how hardline or pro-law or whatever she might be, she is actually a kind person, who cares about people. She can be very compassionate, and she can be very funny and likable ("I want to eat a big bloody steak, and then I want to watch two men beat the crap out of each other," or

@disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus CYNTHIA!

I am terrified that they're going to get caught. It almost seems like they WANT to be, with the falling asleep together and hanging out for hours in bed.

Yeah, I'm a housewife (well, I'm a professional novelist, but still a housewife) and I'm staring the big 4-0 right in the eyes, and I don't think I look dated. :-) So I agree, I don't think "Fortysomething housewife" automatically = "frumpy and dated."

Yeah, I mean, my parents weren't dirt poor, but they weren't well-off by any means, and they lived in a small Midwestern factory town. My mom was twenty-one in 1968 and didn't give a hoot about protests. My dad (twenty-three in '68) was working to support a family, and went to night school ten years later to get a

I was really surprised that Peggy told Ted what Stan told her; I thought she was savvier than that.

I wouldn't go as far as "completely missed," but I really don't see how this episode is a B+ when last week was an A. To me this week's was clearly superior.

I didn't get that she was being judgy at all, actually. I guess I'm the only one, but to me she honestly just seemed stunned, upset, and unsure how to respond. It seemed to me like she just couldn't empathize with Megan's thoughts and was trying to let her know that she couldn't.

I dunno. Personally I think it's nice to see a look at the late 60s that isn't Baby Boomers jerking off to themselves about how wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and awesome they were, and how the whole world should be kissing their feet every day and how no other people in the world have ever been as great as they are.

I got the impression it wasn't fists that particular toilet-sitter was using. :-)

Ha! That would be hilarious.

Thanks Arundel! :-) I've seen the discussions on the Guardian site, and may play along, but the commenters here are more fun and much smarter, IMO. Other sites—and I don't mean the Guardian specifically—often can get aggressive or rude or just full of trolls, and that doesn't happen here. I get enough aggressive and

Yeah, @avclub-326d11d4787df104c1d0a5604d3b1bf2:disqus , that is kind of true, isn't it? I was thinking maybe if I still watch it when it airs, then it's okay. If I can find a place to watch it that's not a pirate site, I might give it a go (I don't want to support pirate sites in any way).

I wondered about that too, if she actually calls her "Betty" now or if that was just a sort of snide joke when telling Henry about the ticket.