
Doesn't Death just sort of show up at every funeral though, invited or not? I mean, he's kind of the guest of honor.

I think you've got it.

I'm not sure, actually, since my computer still seems to think it's in the US. I can't get prices for UK Kindle books, frex. But I have a feeling that if I actually tried, it wouldn't work.

Life Lessons…with Granny Pauline.

They do, don't they? It's so sad to come here and see everybody's already had the fun without me. :-) Thanks!

I'm so, so, SO anti-piracy (it directly affects me/my income), but I admit this is the first time I've been seriously tempted. Sky's scheduling this at ten on Wednesday is really a big fuck-you to those of us who pay for their service, yeah.

You guys, this sucks. I was so excited about the return of Mad Men, and part of that was being excited about coming back here and discussing it with all of you. You all made watching so much more fun for me last season, and I couldn't wait to come back and chat with you again.

But it's the only thing he can control!

I also thought that Betty perhaps felt a stronger connection to the violinist than to her own daughter; that the violinist was in essence Betty's chance to behave like a real mother to a young girl at a time when her own daughter is nothing but rude and snarky to her (yes, the violinist wasn't exactly polite, but she

Nope, she never slept with Don, and Don certainly didn't sleep with Ted Chaugh, either. :-)

Megan was totally showing off.

Sorry, this is actually a reply to @avclub-913d3a7404f98f0ee3766e12e78506fe:disqus : I don't think it was so much that Don wanted Megan to work for him/wants a woman who "mirrors" him—although I agree that's part of it—as it is he loved having a wife who was a partner to him. He loved that he spent all day with her,

In the flashback scene where Don asks Anna for a divorce to marry Betty, he describes Betty as "So happy!" with this big goofy smile on his face. So yeah, clearly Betty was a different sort of person, or at least seemed different, when she met Don and they started dating/became engaged.

"Death Works At The Ad Agency" by Dave Algonquin.

Anyone else think Abe with the headphones on looked a lot like Frank Zappa?


I totally thought of the carousel, and noticed how the picture of Don and Megan was Significantly Upside Down. Dunh dunh duuun!

"Shut it down" is from Die Hard. Ducommun, as someone else said, when he calls the electric company office to get the entire grid shut down.

Thanks, I use it in my novels plenty, and have since publishers first started paying me for them seven years ago. I understand toxic people awfully well, too.

Thanks, I use it in my novels plenty, and have since publishers first started paying me for them seven years ago. I understand toxic people awfully well, too.