
So, capitalization matters in AVClub usernames?

I've been wondering what that damn Bitmoji means.

"Ein Monsterblock!!" made my morning.

The title is fantastic. It reminds me that I look forward to reading Axl Rose's "A Paradise City Full of Guns and Roses" as soon as I'm done with Vince Neil's "Shouting at the Devil with a Motley Crue (Crew)."

Oh don't get me wrong, I still stream the shit out of things, I love Pandora, Amazon Music is actually sneaky good, and I will continue to pay every month for the access to so much music. But it absolutely requires things to work perfectly all up and down the chain, which is sometimes too much to ask.

I get the joke but recent experience has been a good reminder to me of why it's worth it to still buy physical albums. For streaming to work, you need your device to work fully, which itself means you need your OS to be fully up to date and functional, the latest and greatest version of the app, all the hardware and

I really liked this band at first, loved four or five tracks on the first album. Then I bought Coexist and about a week later deleted all XX from my iPod and haven't missed it. I think the flat vocals maybe wore me down, or what I perceived as a lack of musical dynamics in general.

I like how you think. I'm sick that Trump won (literally; lots of vomiting this week) but I can't help but think that if Clinton had won, I would've considered it 'victory' over the forces of evil and gone right on about my day not having a single one of the conversations about the rural poor that has dominated my

You win everything.

Mostly co-sign that, but re: thinning the herd, the problem there is that hunters are typically looking to take down strong, healthy animals that would do the population's gene pool a lot of good, and leave behind to reproduce the less-fit.

In fairness, I doubt the intention of Supper Club was to create a content stream for the same slice of people currently reading and commenting on the AV Club to spend even more of their time reading and commenting. I don't know what kind of audience it's getting so far, but I bet it's pretty additive to the legacy

Your nephew sounds pretty smart.

Yep, this is my answer to the original question as well. I'm a Scandanavian-rooted liberal who believes in the power of people working together for the common good, who believes that when we all do well, we all do well.

I think 'hair metal' has become a 'no true Scotsman' type of self-sealing argument. GnR checked plenty of boxes to be squarely in the middle of the genre when they first hit (Sunset Strip roots, teased hair and makeup, singalong-chorus-and-guitar-solo song structure, lyrical content primarily about women and sex and

I kinda liked it.

Yes, I've seen them probably a dozen times the last eighteen years and they just keep getting better. Saw them Sunday and it is still haunting me.

Holy shit, I bought it the exact same fucking way. The only band I can vividly I can vividly remember hearing for the first time.

I'll add some love, saw them on Sunday and they killed. Mostly acoustic but it was Nels burning the place down during "Impssible Germany" that was the highlight - spontaneous two minute standing O from the crowd at the of that one, I honestly can't remember anything like that at any show I've ever been to.

To be specific:
First prize is one season on DVD.
Second prize is both seasons on DVD.

I get that 'limpid' is a compliment but, man, it sure doesn't read like one.