
That Guy is my nemesis.

Well they haven't yet had to liquidate the 'h' for rent money, so they must be doing ok.

Scheinhardt Wig Company has to figure in there somewhere.

I like your username.

Good on you. I've started doing that to, I try to be nice about it and say something like "Hey I paid money to listen to the band and it's hard when I can hear your conversation so clearly - so would you please take it over there?" and gesture towards the back wall. People don't argue with it, because (a) it's hard

Yeah, Klosterman may have started from a similar observation, but would've turned it into a meditation on the ways in which east-coast liberal university-bred rock n' roll critics dominate the conversation about the live music experience in a way that's disconnected from the way that 98% of the universe actually

Unless you're seeing a show in Portland. In which case, find your friends and yell loudly to each other throughout the show about completely idle bullshit that has nothing to do with the music, the band, or being at a show.

Your point would be enhanced if you cited a comedy.

The greatness was amplified if you happened to be seeing it with your father in law. I knew it'd be a little blue but kicking it off with Booty Juice, unprompted, ramped the uncomfortability meter straight past 11.

Interesting choice of 'Airplane!' That movie is actually nearly a scene-for-scene remake of an old B&W disaster flick called 'Zero Hour.' The ZAZ guys had jokes and gags for days ready to go, but (IIRC) it was someone at the studio who convinced them to map it Zero Hour plot structure, which is really what put the

So…Secret Success, then?

I watched his stand up special on Comedy Channel a few weeks ago and it was my first real exposure to him. Chuckled a few times, wasn't really my thing humor-wise, but what really stuck out to me was that he did seem like an honestly nice guy. He was running ad bumpers throughout the special and I remember in one of

Kalinda's ex-husband arc was a sharking the fridge moment for sure.

Kickass surprise? Is Tim Robbins dead the whole time?

I pronounce it that way too, but because of Dewey Cox.

Bevers from Broad City. Councilman Jamm from Parks & Rec in a distant second.

[introduces black friend to Skrewdriver]
[lectures said friend about the right way to appreciate music]

And because of 9/11 we all hugged a lot and I called my mom more.

"Taste the high-speed dirt!"

"You all had Special K with BANANA!"