Captain Lionel Mandrake

I was under the spell of J.D. Salinger in my late teens. Not so much the Catcher in the Rye- Holden Caulfield stuff, more like the Glass family of Franny and Zooey, or Seymore, an Introduction. I spent a lot of time trying to be one of the Glasses.

Which brings up something cool. Me commenting on the Pixies which my good friend Ellie has seen is not unlike my baby boomer parents commenting on the Beatles or Stones to me.

@Japan OK, point taken!

I'm going to get ripped to shreds for saying this, but I was in college in the early 90's when the Pixies were HUGE. I never quite got it. To me bands like My Bloody Valentine and Lush should have got more attention. The Pixies were kind of a one trick pony to me.

I'm old enough to have seen Star Wars when it first came out. Did not like it.

Yes. Three cheers for Kraftwerk remasters!

No, because it's only a slightly better movie than, say Independence Day.

Yes, way to go Zack. Inspired.

Not a huge fan of John Coltranes playing, but I listen to his albums all the time just to hear Elvin Jones. Ali's playing is fine, too.

Jimmy Carter
In a hundred years, James Earl Carter will prove to be one of the kindest, most decent and honest presidents the U.S. has ever had.

The dismissal of country music probably has more to do with ignorance than actual malice. It's sort of the same way that people who have only heard Top 40 hip- hop will naturally, if they have any taste, dismiss it. They will never hear Public Enemy or DeLaSoul in their life.

George Jones
Deserves to be up there with all of the other brilliant 20th century singers such as Sinatra, Fitzgerald, Holliday, etc. He is a technically AND emotionally wonderful vocalist.

Am still trying to forget their awful '88 power ballad "The Flame"

Now n Laters are the "Citizen Kane" , the Highway 61 Revisited, The Rubber Soul , the Let It Bleed, The Soft Bulletin of confectionary treats.

I have always heard the same thing about Winkler myself. Winkler seems like a showbiz guy you could have a drink with and not walk away regretting it.

Yes, what about blueberries, at least?

Blue food
Throughout history, Anthropologists have found that just about every culture has shown a decided aversion to blue colored food. I think this is a relatively modern phenomenon that we are engaging in here.

How about if I call you pretty,pretty princess you go away?

Any male that posts any views expressing sympathies towards feminism would be a fool to think he would get laid because of them, anyway. I don't recall anybody ever offering up their web address on these boards saying stuff like "Oh, Mandrake, or Oh, Ancient Chinese Secret, I feel so close to you right now. Give Me a

Hetero Male commenting here- I'd just like to know what the male fascination with the female cycle is? Males are allowed to be in a bad mood any time they want, but a woman gets in a bad mood, and it's all about her period. Menstruation jokes are some of the lamest shit out there. If men bled, menstruation would be