Captain Lionel Mandrake

I'll suggest Black Tie White Noise. Very dense, lush, and Nile Rodgers who also produced contributes some killer guitar.

That's nifty that you listed Black Tie White Noise. There are some gorgeous songs on that one. One of my favorites

That's nifty that you listed Black Tie White Noise. There are some gorgeous songs on that one. One of my favorites

@Anywhere I Lay My head

@ Unemployed Drug Dealer Yeah, he can be really funny. I'm totally incompetent at providing links, but there is a hilariuos video on you tube called Steve Albini on Fake Italian.

Mr. Albini
I am confused about Steve Albini. I have read countless articles about what an ethical , charitable man he is, but he can come of as being so abrasive and crude as well. I love his MUSIC, but a great deal of the time, the lyrics; e.g. Prayer to God as well as many others, just turn me off. Just an amatuer

@babyface- I don't think Kurt Cobain would approve of reactionaries.

You are actually making the same generalizations. Most of the people I knew Laughed when Cobain died. We just knew different kinds of people.

That is an excellent comment, Boi Gringo. I smiled when I read that. I'm 40 years old, so I remember all that shit about Cobain when it happened. Everything repeats itself, I guess.

Too bad
Too bad that she could not pull herself out of her addictions like Kim and Kelley Deal seem to have done.

I like the '92 album better than Marquee Moon.

Thank you for that. Maybe I'm not too addled yet. Time for another one of those nasty (But 8.1 percent Steel Reserves.)

Yeah, sorry about the double.

I have heard that Larry Linville quit MASH because of the unbelievable amount of hate mail that was sent to his house on a daily basis. My beer addled mind right now is telling me that I read this in a David Foster Wallace essay in Harper's. Can anybody confirm this?

I have heard that Larry Linville quit MASH because of the unbelievable amount of hate mail that was sent to his house on a daily basis. My beer addled mind right now is telling me that I read this in a David Foster Wallace essay in Harper's. Can anybody confirm this?

Becker & Fagen
Besides the glorious music, the lyrics of Steely Dan can really make a person laugh out loud- I would love to see an in depth article here at AVC about the flawless songwriting, musical wonderfulness, and quirky lyrics.

Not too often does a person read a R.I. P. tribute and then regret it because the comments just get too damn depressing. Might as well be reading Lux Interior's R.I.P. with that Bellona person saying "WHO?"

Ms. Kidman's
Masturbation scene in Margo At The Wedding was fairly enjoyable to watch.

Man, I hear you. That directionless feeling I know quite well.

"Can you get me off the hook this once for old times sake"?