Captain Lionel Mandrake

That's terrible! I had not heard! Up And Coming was the first XXX I ever saw. Funny how those 70's Porn gals could actually act, and not totally degrade themselves. This makes me sad.

@ Tony Starks I'm hardly one to complain about typos- I do enough of them myself, but " Corrigan?" C'mon. guy!

Sean- That was really good. This isn't exactly like making fun of reality Tv or what we're barely tolerating this week. We need both The Hater, and more sublime, kinda devastating pieces like this both.

Actually, after seeing a Sexman video on Videocracy, the first thing I thought was "here is a young Billy Corgan."

Kurt Cobain(and Courtney)
Nirvana used to play Boise semi-regularly before and after Bleach. Nice, shy, earnest fellow. It was pretty easy to see by looking at him that the poor guy had a pretty bad habit. Then Courtney came in, and everything went really downhill.

Oh shit- that's Anna Faris!

And now we have voices to put with the writers. I am impressed. All four of you have manly, distinguished voices, I must say!

Gal In The Pic
That lady in the above pic is a dead ringer for my stepsister. Hey, it IS my stepsister. I think.

Well, this might not really count
The only thing I was ever terrified of- ever- was the Hamburglar. I saw The Shining early on, The Exorcist,whatever. I was finally given my own room at age 5, and I used to lay in bed at night, sucking my thumb, dreading a fucking hamburger commercial.

I have a black lab that was rescued from a puppy mill. She was used as a breeder, kept chained up on a concrete floor etc. Glad to say she is now one of the happiest, goofiest, most playful dogs I have ever seen. She is 11 now, and making up for lost time, I guess.

Ask and ye shall recieve! Burl updated his blog,ha ha

Burl, please update your blog! Please!

Creatively, yes. Chris Martin's money and Gwyneth Paltrow quite appeal to me, however.

I really loved Lost Souls. But I really, really loved The Last Broadcast. At any rate, one of the best one-two punches of the early '00's.

I have been hesitant to watch anything with regards to Ian Curtis. His tragic death seems almost tailor-made for sensationalism. But I really love the music, mind you. Should I watch these?

Sorry, Jim- couldn't resist the perfect opportunity to quote some vintage '76 KISS.

Emperor Jim is the King Of The Nighttime World/ And you're his headline Queen!

Yes, that's kind of the Genius of Dostoevsky- He could write such different, yet brilliant, epic novels.

I also love the reference to The Idiot in " The Ice Storm." That more or less summed up my school experiences.

Damn, Ellie- The Idiot is practically my bible. I would rank that as being even better than Karamazov.