Captain Lionel Mandrake


The Deer Hunter
Even though it's not one of my favorites, It was the first really heavy movie I ever saw. It made me realize not everything was black or white, or could have a totally happy Hollywood ending. Very, very bittersweet.

I am 38, and I suppose I've been smoking since I was 15? As any NA or AA heavy will tell you, at least smoking does not fuck up your life. Your health, maybe or probably, but I am the guy that does not light up at innapropriate places, in homes, around children, around my Mom, etc. I know there is nothing in the bill

So I guess we all know what YOU smoke, Tarkovsky. Eh? Eh? HEH HEH.

Idaho- Cheap beer, liquor, and smokes. Of course there is no culture whatsoever…. Fuck it- I'm moving outta here.

The Only Thing
I feel guilty about is the fact that where I live, Marlboros are $3.50 a pack.

No, just a Boise dive talking about how we used to know Built To Spill "Back In The Day."


Mary Tyler Moore.

I'm not saying this to try and hook up with anybody, but personally, I like a woman who has better things to do than work out 3 hours a day, or obsess about their figure. The media is not an accurate representation of how most men really feel. The media does this to males as well, but what they suggest is that if you

And even though Animals can be very heavy to listen to, it's still much more enjoyable than The Wall. UmmaGumma is about 5 great songs with totally pretentious filler.

Yeah- really ? The Wall?

Yes, yes, yes! Quadrophenia! Love Reign O'er Me! Shiver inducing. Who Sell Out is also a listen all the way through Glorious experience.


I like the stuff on my avatar. You can buy it without a prescription all over the world. :)

Maybe it does, but we are all deniers. It never happened.

I am only familiar with Cluster from Eno collaborations, But, yeah, that's good stuff. Could the Bowie "Berlin" stuff with Eno be considered Krautrock?

Point taken. And I'll second Neu 2 and "75 as being terrific.

I'm not (according to the author of this article) supposed to talk about Kraftwerk.

Nice LA Story reference there, FortyTwo