Captain Lionel Mandrake


Whatever happened to Christy Turlington? Linda Evangelista? Amber Valletta?

I kind of like the painting. It has the same feel as the paintings Owen Wilson had up in his apartment in The Royal Tennenbaums. It's really not that bad. It's interesting to look at, and think about, and isn't that what art should be? I've been painting for 20 years, and I envy this painting.

Unlike my now-deceased Commanding Officer, I don't deny anyone my essense.

Hey Erik
Your profile page says you need to update your status.

I Just-

My Mom made me take take down my Iron Maiden posters.

Wide open mouth looks like the King Crimson album cover.

My first firstie was a failed firstie.

I Have
Flaming cancerAIDS can anyone help me?

@ Sincere Sinsei

@ fictional strumpet- This is intrigiung. Tommy Lee Jones without acne scars? Tommy Lee Jones trying in vain to catch his own son in No Country for Old Men? All kidding aside, this looks like something I have got to see. Thanks. It's a slow day.

The Things We Do For Love

I live in what is, besides Utah, the second biggest mormon state. ( Idaho)

That one is hilarious too. Thanks, AV Club amigos.

That's awesome, Senor Jorge!

Twitter/ ZODIAC_MF

Yeah- this sucks.

If I remember correctly, they both could have been the father, they both wanted her, they both got her. The mother died or something. This is in Reagan America. There was no gayness on T.V.

The Olsens are holding out for an offer from Larry Flynt.