Captain Lionel Mandrake

What about Miley?
Didn't the kids nominate Miley for anything? All she does is make fun of asians and sleep with 20 year old sleazebags.

Effexor- Holy shit that was a horrible 3 months! Elavil did the trick for me, and I haven't taken anything for close to 2 years.

Chis Cornell
without Kim Thayil is like Wham! without George Micheal.

"Very freshly born person"

Ellie- you are so right, as someone who is almost twice your age, the main thing I have noticed about getting older is that an almost sci-fi time thing takes place, and every time you look at the clock, you just can't believe time is going by so fast, and as someone who always looked at time as going by too slowly, it

Life is only too short if you are Hugh Hefner.
The reason people say life is too short is that they are scared of dying, haven't accomplished what they wanted to do. And the older you get, time just seems to go by so fast, you can't fucking believe it. ( Late thirty-something talking here.)

I thought it WAS Wes Anderson and that they made a mistake. That's funny!

Throughout history, Grandparents in all cultures did their expected duty, and the human race thrived. Then good ol' OPIE comes along and makes a movie called Cocoon. Humanity has been going downhill ever since.

You can only have your drink if you give me the recall code.


As long as we are on the subject of Brian DePalma
Carlito's Way has me crying like a thirteen year old girl who just saw Titanic. The music at the beginning when he gets shot hit me just like Jerry Fielding's score for The Wild Bunch.

Add the word "anything" after the word about. Damn. Too much beer. It 's time to get behind the wheel now.

No shit, Pig in Zen. It seems like the formerly astute David Fricke will lend his name to just about these days.

It's starting to look that way , Barefoot.

Who Produced It?
Was it Brian Eno? Although I worship Eno, I was most disappointed to hear that he produced Vida La Vida.

I guess I should reiterate here:
I proudly wear the A.V. Club hipster douchebag t-shirt.
I adore the flaming lips
I bought their first album when it was released.

I've notified the powers that be on A/V club.

@ Fictional Strumpet?

Who doesn't like Vern?

If he does like Jessica Alba, he's about the only one from what I can tell. (I'm talking personality-wise).