Captain Lionel Mandrake

HaHa Ha- That's awesome Lazyeye

I have enough trouble with Amazon mp3 downloads. Dammit- where is my new avatar?

Can we (mostly) agree
That the Flaming Lips belong in some sort of hipster douchebag hall of fame?

Yes it does, Ellie. Your heading up there, up there above your name… It's working for me right now… so very,very much.

Genevieve, If I am not mistaken, your column today will get more posts than the stuff featuring Mr Chang eating TRULY revolting stuff.

The proceeds would go to charity, of course.

I remember a suggestion awhile back that we have a "Ladies of the AV Club" calendar. How 'bout it ,ladies?

Thanks, Quiet Wyatt- An intelligent response to kind of a stupid question.

I am looking forward to this
But I wonder- Is this something Mr Wallace was happy with? Would he have wanted it released? Because I would feel bad reading it, and would have a creepy feeling that DFW is looking down on us,and cringing.

Yes, and thank you, you are correct. Someone else said it had to do with the Coens.

Courtney Love won't talk to anyone these days, Mr. Jimmerson, unless you are:

My love for Gwyneth that I had because of The Royal Tenenbaums is being severely tested by GOOP

The "68 to"72 period is kind of neat, but I don't understand how some people can buy 50 or 60 of their albums, and yes, there are at least that many. Nice to see The Band mentioned on here, Generic.


Here is my bid
I'll bid my next unemployment check.

Radhika is beautiful all around. When i saw the picture above, Iwas flooded with liberal sensitive guy male guilt because of the images that popped into my head. Same goes for Phel's picture.

I was verbally assualted at work by a woman I had recommended "No Country For Old Men" to. It was not because of the intensity or the violence of the movie,it was because the movie actually had the audacity to SPOILER ALERT>>>
kill off " Dreamy Josh Brolin" as if the movie makers didn't have a story to tell. The nerve

I have also whacked off to Billy Ray thinking he was Miley.

Yeah- the Hanson I know was kind of like a 90's Jonas Brothers, except they were,you know, cooler.

Yes, Wes Anderson really stirred up interest in Bowie. I know acouple of people that bought Seu Jorge, then got into Bowie after that.