Captain Lionel Mandrake

And it gave birth to the greatest cover of all time. Bauhaus's version of "Third Uncle".

In Ziggy Stardust it is, but there's a whole lot of kiddies out there that know Bowie by "Let's Dance"

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou kickstarted the "Queen Bitch" thing

Here Come The Warm Jets
By Brian Eno is a good place to start for anybody put off by Bowie's egotism. Roxy Music's albums are splendid as well.

That's awesome, Iggy- but you know darn good and well that you just can't be puttin' cuss words in them movie titles.

Wow- I have 0nly been a posting A/V member for a couple hours, and I already have interaction with the great Gentle Herpes. I've admired your posts from a distance for quite some time- but I liked your other profile picture better. If I wanted to look at Brad Pitt's face there are other ways.

Thanks, Warren! I knew I would not regret my bold new venture!

I'm new here! Will you all be my best new elitist hipster buddies ?I !promise not to double post! Or firstie! Here is to our glorious new friendship.