doctor penguin

When I first watched the episode, I was wondering if they even changed the character. It seemed like the same visuals and voice.

Am I the only one who gets Venture Brothers flashbacks whenever Underland is mentioned? Where is Cataclops, Manic 8-ball and Girl Hitler when you need them?

I'm not complaining about the actress or the acting. I'm complaining that the episode ate up 10% of their episode allotment and did nothing to advance the story.

That's right, call me a philistine, but I'm saying it again. Meh.

and Slime! Might as well get all the Elements out there ;)

Look at it this way, there's probably a Patience / Betty throwdown coming up at some point.

For me, this episode had a lot of flashbacks to "Evergreen." I find it interesting that the Ice elemental, Patience, like Evergreen in the earlier episode, was the one who decides that there has to be away around their coming Apocalypse while their compatriots declined to join in.

This was addressed (somewhat hoke-ily) on the show. Basically, the radiation from the meteors gave Savage and the Hawks their powers. Apparently, being close to them as they were being destroyed supposedly neutralized Savage's indestructibility.

Fire gags are expensive and a little dangerous, which is why they probably avoided them on the show, but yeah.

True, but it can now be entirely different Hawk people, hopefully better written and acted. Also, given the relatively clean slate they won't have to be the central story line of the season.

This is a good ranking, though I would move Rip to the low tier.

Of course now that Thanagarians are involved we might get an entirely new set of hawk people.

During parts of this episode I was reminded of something that was mentioned in the TV series "Minority Report"

Me, I'd like to see them make a movie of the '90s comic "The Lost" where Peter Pan is a vampire with an obsession for girls named Wendy and Hook and Smee are hunting him.

It would never get green lit, but it could be good.

That was my thought. Maybe he got fired too.

My biggest gripe with this episode was the "Scorpion" level of lack of understanding of the physical world and how computers interact with them.

Right there with you. All three shows have set up a 'right answer': something that was obvious to the audience as being the solution and then had the heroes decide not to follow through with it, or fail in some obvious and stupid manner. Very annoying as I like (or at least want to like) all three shows.

Then have Snart freeze him solid (like Snart did to his own hand) and then re-freeze him every couple of hours.

True, but he didn't actually need a living Savage to do any of it. If Kendra had been willing to, they could have killed Savage and then presented his evidence at his leisure.
Alternatively, he could have been frozen into a solid block of ice or dropped into a star.