doctor penguin

Isn't that what Twitter is for?

I agree with you , but if a show is not entertaining I won't watch it. I deal with more than enough jerks in real life. I need my fictional ones to be at least entertaining.

Am I the only one who got to the end of this episode and thought "Wait, I just sat through all the commercials to watch this piece of crap live?"

I saw the movie last night. Liked it pretty well, particularly the soundtrack. The one question I walked out of the theater with still remains, though.. Was Lorraine a reliable narrator? Flip a couple of the scenes around from what was depicted (Usual Suspects-style) and things make more sense.

I gave it a C-

I chalk that up to the writers. First season Barbara basically was a "romantic partner who can't know about any of this" character, trope which really limited what they could do with her. ..

Was it just me or was that scene of multiple Daisy's reminiscent of that scene in Battlestar Galactica where Boomer goes into the Cylon Base ship full of other (naked) Boomers?

That was pretty much my view. Also, between needing to stay ahead of and/or Kill Reynard and a general desire for more magic she seems likely to end up on the Fillory version of the Upside Down.

That was pretty much my take. We finally got to where I thought we'd be at the end of the 2nd or 3rd episode at the end of the finale.

Where the heck is "Thank You for Smoking?"

The Big Lebowski is a 1998 movie.

That Pilcher created the problem that his little paradise was meant to resolve makes a certain level of twisted sense.
However, I do have to say that there is something logically off about the Abies themselves.
1 - Disorganized, kill-crazed hunter-gatherers without access to even Neolithic technology wouldn't be able

Thanks, I'm really liking this season and I'm itching to discuss the episode.

Has episode 11 been posted yet?

I am assuming this is presaging the Saint of Killers

re: Rusk - The thing I liked about him is that he wasn't wrong. Ethan is a multiple murderer who in any sane world should pay for his crimes. Even if we only consider the deaths he committed in England, he really does deserve to be locked up. Ditto with Rusk trying to arrest Jared. The man hired a bunch of goons to

Glah. Seems like they are repeating mistakes from previous seasons in this episode.

I thought it about stories and how you can refine storytelling through experience. Cake's flapjack of Ice Princess is the best of the lot while her initial ones are just vague blobs.

That was kind of my take on it. Each level down is a flawed reflection of the previous one. After you get down several levels the flaws amass until the whole thing falls apart.
That seemed to be implied by the color scheme of the Ice President bit.

A fun episode overall, if a bit light. My only real complaint is that my DVR recorded the new Regular Show episode rather than Adventure Time.
I was kind of hoping we'd see some reflection of Betty or the new Ice Elemental, but you can't have everything.