doctor penguin

This week, yes. Though I would argue if he'd done what was necessary last week (killing either the Mayor or his brother) then things would have worked out better.

To make a true Prison Break, they will need Mick. ;)

Person of Interest - A really good show, but it's in its last season right now.
I do kind of disagree that it's been resolving it's earlier issues though. They've raised their stakes to apocalyptic levels over the last two seasons which means that the lighter episodes have become further and further apart. Everything

Then, the real way to solve all of this is for Mick and Snart to go Ancient Egypt and put Kendra out of everyone's misery.

That was kind of my assumption. Even if it wasn't originally true, since he knows the group will exist, why not create it and control it.?

My observations:
1 - I just gotta ask why Snart isn't leading this team? He's a jerk, but he's got a much better track record of being right than Rip.
2 - Since killing Savage was off the menu, why didn't Snart freeze him into a solid block of ice? It wouldn't kill him (so we're told) but it would have prevented most

I generally liked the episode, but sheesh, there were a few things . . .

Here's a weird possibility: Is Piper actually the leader of the Legion of Whom?

Am I the only one who thought Diggle should have just executed the mayor and rode off? As soon as I saw that scene I was reminded of the tub scene from "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" -
"If you're going to shoot, Shoot. Don't talk"

As soon as Penguin started serving the roast. I hit pause and yelled out "Titus Andronicus." Two minutes later I was proven right.

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I like the show and loved the comic, but I realize they can't really replicate the comic on Network TV. I'd still like to see them delve into the 'what is good and what is evil and what is predestination' stuff more than simply the psychiatrist scenes.

No reason to worry about Eliot just yet. If the follow the books . . . Can they follow the books at this point? . . . then the next season will start with several episodes of them on an ocean voyage. This would correspond to the non-Julia parts of Book 2.

The Beast didn't die 39 times. He killed everyone 39 times.

That was my thought.


I thought the Free Trader Beowulf (Wow, you have to be an old school gamer to get that one) stuff was underwritten. In the book they make clear that Julia had to jump through a bunch of hoops just to hook up with the group and more time afterwards. Then again, all this is took place while Quentin is in Brakebills so .