General Soreness

If anyone deserves to get in for one song, it's MC5. Granted, I don't necessarily think a band should get in for one song but that song is about as rock n roll as it gets.

Holy shit, Warren Zevon's not in? That's crazy. Whether you're into him or not personally, he's one of the best songwriters of his generation.

Wow The Zombies aren't in? I'd assumed they'd been in the HOF pretty much from the beginning. I guess it's because of lack of material but if there was ever a band that deserved to get in for one album it's them. Odessey and Oracle is one the best albums ever.

Daniel Bryan makes everything better.


I'm all in on the Bastard Bowl next week. Can't wait. Say what you want about Jon Snow/Kit Harington, he's a badass in his battle scenes.

Yeah, the Arya stuff was just a clusterfuck from start to finish. There's really no defending it. Two fucking seasons of nothing.

The Hound and his best pal the axe was something awesome that happened.

Yes, I was a little surprised to see them double-down on Jamie's renewed devotion to Cersei. He really went all in with that speech to Edmure.

This is my prediction too. I know Grant isn't exactly a household name or anything but it seems odd he would have had that small of a role if we were to never see him again. My guess is that the acting troop helps her out and she hitches a ride with them back to Westeros (from whence they presumably came).

That was a classic Beastmaster right there. Murdering the village while he was out working in the fields.

Holy shit, he's 73!? Just looked him up. Good for him.

I was actually kinda wondering about this. Because these aren't Walking-Dead-Eat-Your-Face type Zombies right? So Summer should just be sorta generally stabbed to death or whatever. Why not bring her (him?) back? Turn Summer into Winter. I'm cool with a Direwolf Ice Zombie.

Yep. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to a lot of the adaptation changes but how they've handled Euron is a fucking joke. Book Euron could have breathed some much needed life into the entire Iron Islands storyline. What a waste of a really cool character.

After spending so many hours every month listening to him do his wacky improv characters, I forgot how much I enjoy the genial, storyteller version of PFT. This was really good. Hoping for an extended version down the line.

If you can't understand what he means, well, you soon will.

If you Google around you can find PDFs that people have uploaded of old catalogs like that, JC Penny, Sears. The old Halloween costume catalogs are fun too. A good way to kill an hour for sure…

Yeah, if you were a kid during that lull in the mid to late 80s when Star Wars wasn't really a cultural thing anymore, you could build up quite a collection from garage sales and clearance stores. Especially if you had a mom who liked a good sale.

-1 for the Embrace CD I also purchased

Ah the Power of the Force line. I was lucky enough to be born right in the sweet spot where, by the time I was loving my VHS Star Wars tapes and wanting all the toys, everyone else was kinda over it. So my Mom bought pretty much every Power of the Force figure on clearance for various birthdays and Christmases and