General Soreness

My not-gonna-happen fantasy for the finale is that somehow Tim gets in a showdown with the Colorado Kid. I like to imagine it playing out kinda like Tombstone where Doc shows up to square off against the one dude rather than Wyatt. It would be so awesome if after all his posturing and intimidation tactics against

As much as I'd enjoy the hell out of this, I think the real example of how the universe is different if you're part of the 1% is going to come when he walks out of court a free man in a year. Because, unless the prosecutors have more than that "confession," he ain't gettin' convicted…in my probably not very well

That's all well and good for Tom Petty but wouldn't it be tight if EVERYONE was chill to each other?

God I wish that 1970s Gangs of New York starring and scored by The Clash would have happened soooooo much…

The extended intro of the Cheer's theme and then the reveal with the chorus is the best.

I've listened to the section where Todd talks about his insane parties at least two dozen times. It's so, so funny to me. It's the way he casually reveals details and has no idea why they'd be interpreted as weird by the Scotts.

Ah glaucoma…the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.

I hope Daughtry does the theme song for this one too!

This question is totally based on laziness and a half-remembered article I read once but wasn't Amazon originally doing some sort of anyone with talent has a chance to get their pilot filmed thing? Like anyone could submit scripts and the best ones would get made even if you're an unknown or whatnot? Did that just

I'm hoping it's just a ruse to surprise us. If Coldhands is supposed to be Benjen, they wouldn't need to announce any new casting; so I think they could get away with keeping it a secret. But perhaps that's just wishful thinking…

This also applies to the term "podcast" which is pretty much just a way better version of the radio but the word is so lame that I think less of the entire format.

The greatness that is Councilman Jamm was almost enough to cancel out some of the weaker storylines from Parks & Rec this season. Maybe my favorite supporting character from any comedy this year. I think I watched the episode where Leslie spends the day trying to win him over about a dozen times.

My sister and her kids stayed at my place over Thanksgiving weekend. The kids watched a few Disney movies while I'd been watching some true crime stuff around the same time. So, at this point, my recommendations are a super-creepy mix of Disney movies and then like John Wayne Gacy documentaries. I'm definitely flagged

Has anybody played the Game of Thrones card game? I was thinking of picking up the starter box set to bring to Christmas since there are several members of my nerd family who would probably rather sit around drinking and playing that than doing anything actually Christmas related.

I didn't even know Pogs was a game and I had dozens of them. I thought they were like circular baseball cards.

I like Mohr's podcast a lot too. I feel like he gets (a bit) unfairly lumped in with the douche/bro podcasters that most of AV Club crowd avoids. Plus, unlike guys like Carolla and Rogen I think he's legitimately funny.

I think this is really more of a problem when Maron already knows (and likes) the guest. I was listening to the one with John Hodgman recently and it was way too inside and confusing with all the in-jokes and personal anecdotes that they never bothered to explain to the audience.

Yeah, out of all the wrestling podcasters, I think Jericho has the best chance of branching out into having all types of entertainment industry guests on the show.

Interesting that you say that since, on Talking Bad, it seemed like Aaron Paul didn't really have any thoughts about "what might have happened to Jesse" when everyone else was talking about it. Almost like that final scene is where the character ends in his mind.

I don't get what the author is talking about when he says that heroin isn't all that bad for your body compared to other drugs. Seems pretty fucking awful to me.