Dear Diary

Stupid Monkey! That's not how you Monkey!

[( o O )]
( —— )

In-House-Brewed Organic Imperial Dry Hopped Cascadian IPA. Sip that bitch.

Gettin' Throat Leeches.

Reading this, all I could think of was, "Terry Hatcherface".

In my opinion
WALL-E seemed the most futuristically relevant movie I've seen.

And so are you
Hey look at me! It's 2010 and I'm looking at this list for inspiration. Neat - o !



And it isn't necessarily guys - see my post above re: putting things between Charlize Theron and Rachel Weisz. Things that are not banjos.

Banjos? That's how you're going to end the sentence "Between her and Charlize Theron"?

Funny - the book was awful. I haven't seen the movie but it really wouldn't have to try very hard.

They're those magic thumbs you can pull scarves out of.

"Just Fiddling Around" 12 songs with or about Fiddles.

You mean like pinocchio's friend?

Wouldn't just saying that it's James Van Der Beek's School of Southern Accents be enough to imply that it is terrible? Isn't this sort of like saying "small dwarfs" or "free gift"?

Oh sorry…

Oh oh…to write? A book?

Did you see
that episode of AmGlad last night? Panther was all like, WHAAAAT and then Tor was like, SHUuuuuT UP, BAM.

Nine to Five is what inspired me to go work with a bunch of other smart but under-appreciated women who decide to turn the tables on our sexist, egotistical boss by restraining him in his own home while his wife was away. It also lead me to try marijuana for the first time (thanks Violet!) but I really learned a lot