
"life is a problem
but where there's life, there's hope" = best compilation title ever?
Anyway, I've never heard of this band. Discuss.

I thought Robert Rodriguez directed this, what with all the press he's been doing for it. Not that it would have made much of a difference, but I'd still prefer him over this Nimrod (sorry).

I wrote a paper about this movie and the remake last semester. Although writing essays sucks, it was a pleasant experience to discuss the motivation behind the political subtext in the original and whether the remake picked up on it in any substantial way. Short answer: kind of, but not really.

Congratulations, fine sir. We have a lovely parting gift of canceraids backstage with your name on it.

i think liquid swords is my favorite hip-hop album of all-time. Those beats cannot be denied.

Hell yeah - I loved me some Sum 41 in middle school. They were my favorite band for two years and even weaned me into some harder stuff like Maiden and Metallica. I hope that Fat Lip's inclusion on this shitty comp got some dumb girl's little brother into the same shit I did.

No one has anything to say? OK - I think these guys are a boring-as-shit P4k buzz band that no one will remember by the time year-end lists start rolling out. Meh to the max.

getting to watch Olympic hockey in HD made me get back into the NHL.

So sad, RIP.

does anyone know
what kind of release this is getting? I doubt it's coming anywhere near me…damn mid-sized Canadian cities.


Although a couple of lines were absolutely godawful (Widmore and Des in Chas' office - oh man), I was on the edge of my seat the tire episode. They have so much left to explain, and I'm anxious to see how they do it, but seriously - incredible, incredible television.

FMF is (wait for it)

nice review
I kind of hated this band's EP for sounding too same-y, but I'm heartened to hear this one switches things up a bit.

Yup, the ending is one of the only parts I remember from the movie. Pretty beautiful, considering the actions.

this guy
deserves all his newfound success and attention, as far as I'm concerned. Loved him since his "Google Results" vid with Rob Huebel and, of course, Clell Tickle.

Fuck this album
Let's talk about how good Hell Hath No Fury is. Is it on anyone else's "Best of the Decade" list?

They've clicked for me since Strawberry Jam, which incidentally was when I started smoking weed on the reg. Coincidence?…no, almost certainly not.

Yeah, the first season of Joe Schmo totally owned and should be included in this list. Wasn't J-roc from Trailer Park Boys in it?

I think I'm going as Vince Offer, the Shamwow guy. Still have to memorize his schpeel tho.