Muddy Water


I thought the Lizard was as bad a villain as the Green Goblin. That face, dear God…

Dave's over-the-top shuffling attempts to kick the ball were hilarious.

Yeah, I wasn't the biggest fan of the parrot plotline either. Not because I thought it was too silly, but because of how predictable it was. One character is the tough one, laying how they're gonna sell the lie. The other's weak, always on the brink of confessing. Ultimately they confess, but turns out they weren't

The actors made every joke work, and there were some great lines as well. But yeah, the plot was a bit too predictably sitcommy, and the acting a bit too loud at times.

You guys are feeling a financial pinch? OH GOD, IS THE AVCLUB GOING AWAY? AHHHHH

Before FUCK
Eternal FUCK of the Spotless FUCK

Before FUCK
Eternal FUCK of the Spotless FUCK

Yeah, it's not that it doesn't make sense or even that it's a bad movie, but it is [i]so[/i] a comic book movie. I mean, The Dark Knight plays like a crime drama like, say Heat, with fantastical elements. But TDKR is just through and through a comic book movie. It's sprinkled with real-world imagery but that does not

Yeah, it's not that it doesn't make sense or even that it's a bad movie, but it is [i]so[/i] a comic book movie. I mean, The Dark Knight plays like a crime drama like, say Heat, with fantastical elements. But TDKR is just through and through a comic book movie. It's sprinkled with real-world imagery but that does not

Hey, that's the name of the sho  — no, wait.

Hey, that's the name of the sho  — no, wait.

@avclub-a171d9b078d8fd668b699188db001042:disqus It did bounce back! The final four episodes were excellent.
Ehh, I'm still a bit ambivalent about the 4th season and this stretch of season 3 is the reason why. The show had 53 episodes so it's not like it's life was cut tragically short. Every loose end was tied up and

@avclub-a171d9b078d8fd668b699188db001042:disqus It did bounce back! The final four episodes were excellent.
Ehh, I'm still a bit ambivalent about the 4th season and this stretch of season 3 is the reason why. The show had 53 episodes so it's not like it's life was cut tragically short. Every loose end was tied up and

I think SOBs might be my least favourite episode of the show. It worked the first time I saw it, just for the HBO/Showtime joke. But the rest of the episode is just weak.

I think SOBs might be my least favourite episode of the show. It worked the first time I saw it, just for the HBO/Showtime joke. But the rest of the episode is just weak.

Though I consider season 3 to be a dip in quality from the first two seasons, that 4-episode finale was as good as AD ever was and a wonderful way to send off the show.

Though I consider season 3 to be a dip in quality from the first two seasons, that 4-episode finale was as good as AD ever was and a wonderful way to send off the show.