Muddy Water

Shots whenever someone on the internet makes a montage or supercut of something!

Shots whenever someone on the internet makes a montage or supercut of something!

Uhh, they weren't asked to decide the Best TV/music/film of the year objectively. The question was "What's the best TV/music/film you came across this year?" 
Even if he's seen only a single movie all year, that wouldn't be a wrong answer to the question.

Uhh, they weren't asked to decide the Best TV/music/film of the year objectively. The question was "What's the best TV/music/film you came across this year?" 
Even if he's seen only a single movie all year, that wouldn't be a wrong answer to the question.

I have never come across anyone that can shout "WHAT THE FUCK?!" as well as Bob Odenkirk. 
I mean, it's three little words and you wonder how anyone can be better at it than someone else. But when you hear Bob Odenkirk say it, you just know that's the best "what the fuck?!" you'll ever hear.

I have never come across anyone that can shout "WHAT THE FUCK?!" as well as Bob Odenkirk. 
I mean, it's three little words and you wonder how anyone can be better at it than someone else. But when you hear Bob Odenkirk say it, you just know that's the best "what the fuck?!" you'll ever hear.

I've liked this season so far. It hasn't been at its peak, definitely, but it's still been quite good and I'd rate it pretty high within the latter seasons.

I've liked this season so far. It hasn't been at its peak, definitely, but it's still been quite good and I'd rate it pretty high within the latter seasons.

It is incredible how good Julia Louis Dreyfuss still looks.

It is incredible how good Julia Louis Dreyfuss still looks.

The comedians or the shows? 'Cause if it's between comedians, then yeah, definitely. But if it's between shows…ahhh, don't make me choose! Can't we just love 'em all?

The comedians or the shows? 'Cause if it's between comedians, then yeah, definitely. But if it's between shows…ahhh, don't make me choose! Can't we just love 'em all?

Man, Jackie Chan was my childhood hero. His whole "action without violence" shtick was right up my alley.

Man, Jackie Chan was my childhood hero. His whole "action without violence" shtick was right up my alley.

Ohhh, that's what he said. I thought it was a weird oversight he was saying "Cool. Cool cool cool" instead of "Hot. hot hot hot"

Ohhh, that's what he said. I thought it was a weird oversight he was saying "Cool. Cool cool cool" instead of "Hot. hot hot hot"