Muddy Water


Um, no it's not?
It's many things, most of which are not positive, but it's not fundamentalist.

The problem is that this episode didn't have just "the slightest hint of fan service". We got 3 whole scenarios play out, taking 10 minutes and killing any momentum that an already plot-light episode might have had. And maybe I'm dense, but I have no idea why they had the 3rd scenario play out in the middle of the

Oh, my God! You have no idea how happy that news makes me. Fantagraphics' treatment of the Carl Barks stories has been fantastic and seeing Don Rosa get the same treatment is just wonderful. And I finally get to own Life and Times!

I really haven't enjoyed any Robin-Barney plot so far this season. But the Ted-Lily-Marshall stuff has been great. I was hoping for more interaction with the mother by this point though.

Noooooope. The Gang Is Held Hostage is a god damn classic. One of the best they've ever done. I don't think this compares.

Hey AVClub, as long as you're on a Breaking Bad kick, do an article on this:

It has Bob Odenkirk and Glenn Howerton so yes dear god please be good! And have those two guys get incredible acclaim and be showered with awards.


I liked Charlie's, but Mac's just didn't work for me at all. It went on and on and on and wasn't that insightful apart from the fact that he considers himself dumber than the rest of them. It just wasn't that funny.

Am I imagining this or did one of Diaz or Santiago go "mmmm" after he said that?

Thank you SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMS for mentioning Blackadder. Britcoms tend to get lost in the shuffle here, but I have very rarely been as affected by a half-hour of TV as I was by the Blackadder finale.

No, they haven't. Bollywood movies are breaking records faster than ever before. There's a new "Highest grossing movie of all time" every other month. No movie had ever made Rs 100 crore 4 years ago, and now there's like a dozen that have.

Yeah, but all of the stuff you mentioned is from seasons 2 and 3. Ever since the Harvest Festival, it's been non-stop "Leslie is the most amazing person on the planet and will solve everything every problem ever". Pulling off the harvest festival was a fist-pump moment and that victory felt earned because we'd seen

Alright, TV review thread: Is Homeland worth watching?

Alan Sepinwall's still the best.

5A was a little underwhelming 'cause things happened a bit…too fast in it? It didn't feel as organic and as slowly studied as the events of seasons 3 and 4. Mike's death at least felt like it happened because we're near the end of the show and they needed to bump off this character. I think the fact that it was an

Holy shit, if they can somehow fenagle a way to get Goggins and Banks' characters, Pierce's longlost brother, and their old biology teacher in the same room at the same time, I'll be in acting heaven.

I haven't been too keen on Sunny for the last two seasons, but this episode was excellent.

That's a penis, right?