Doctor Handsome

I never expected to see Roger impersonate my sleazy half-brother. Dan and I haven't spoken since he banged my fiancee at Dad's funeral.

Lisa got frustrated with Bart's illiteracy pretty quickly for someone whose first choice of story-reader was Homer. In fact, why the hell did Lisa even WANT Bart to read to her? With Homer, it would at least be Daddy-Daughter Time.

The DVD player bit was where the realism of the parallel rafting trips fell apart for you?

That bugged me too. I assume it was a Standards & Practices thing, but it was stupid.
At least when Family Guy lazily copies a scene from something and acts like that constitutes a joke, they don't make it a neutered version of the scene.

This dude was white, I hope.

It raises the question, though: Who has more "guys," Frank Reynolds or Barney Stinson?

I always like Barney having "a guy" for everything, so the revelation that he has "a guy guy" (actually named Guy) made me chuckle.

It was his special eggnog, whipped up out of bourbon and ice cubes.

For whatever reason, I laugh every damn time at the picture of Baby Cosby with his adult face.

I'd have less of a problem with it if he'd totally gotten the drop on them and they didn't even get any shots off, but the way it played, those guys must have gone to Stormtrooper Marksmanship School.

The blurriness is perfectly realistic, but that doesn't mean it wasn't intentional on the show's part. I too suspect that it's going to be significant somehow.

Agreed. I also prefer the Cockney accent they gave Stiletto for the American edits to the original Italian one. Him saying "Baroni" was just plain funnier in that accent.

Not much more defacement to that text would be needed to make it, "Suck up y'alls skeets."
Just sayin'.

I still refuse to believe it. I predicted great things for that troupe.

You may be right. I don't know, I only caught the yes vote. You're not the only one who needs to get high to watch this show, you know.

I just assume they knew better than to count Peter's vote.

Last name: Malorkus

I'll admit to laughing when the Brians and Stewies voted on "9-11: Yes or No," and Peter voted yes despite not knowing anything about the time paradox debate.

I enjoy the "road" episodes, and I was pretty disappointed that they didn't do the Road-style opening titles for this one. Those are always cool.

Right, but it seemed like you thought the gag was that no one had heard of the Prophet Mohammed before 9-11, rather than Atta being anonymous.