Doctor Handsome

"Atta," Kev. "Mohammed Atta stay home."  Because that was the name of the lead hijacker.

I can fit three of Punky Brewster's friends in mine.

Honest question: is she definitively "real?" I don't remember every time she's appeared, but was she ever acknowledged by more than one character at a time?

It really seems set up for Ope to smoke him, but I personally would kind of like to see Bobby do it.

@getinthecarchris: You're correct, of course. Are you proud of yourself for pissing on my joke? I hope so. I would be. Kudos.

@avclub-6692e03714de64fbc32753e3312b1071:disqus  The mother is Kim Thayil of Soundgarden? Weird theory. Compelling, but weird.

It's "Pixies," not "The Pixies."
I'll let myself out now.

Who the fuck is "Kevin?" If you mean Kumar, say Kumar. This is the AV Club, bitch.

The two cars crashing was great, particularly since the other car had a crazy-ass adult white man and a nerdy black kid in it.

I don't know what it means, but it had the cadence of a joke!

I kept waiting for this review to post until I realized I wasn't "following" the show yet. I think when new shows start regular coverage, the first episode should show up in My TV Club.

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking Seamus McFly.

I smoked real pot with a guy who looks like Peter Frampton.

That's two homeless guys banging each other.

I'm pretty sure Lisa called Skinner "Principal Tamzarian" once to shut him up about about something, but I don't recall the context.

So to recap: Bart Simpson wants desperately to win the fucking science fair. So much that he'll actually seek out Martin Prince to team up with. And what does Martin bring to the table? Why, HE teaches BART how to cynically manipulate the book-smart judges with cuteness in place of solid science.
Are the writers even

If you said Mrs. Glick, you're wrong. She was never popular.

"She wasn't over 15 then. I've obviously lost all interest subsequently."

Dee was Patheticgirl43. And Charlie was the one who posted it online and made the name up.

I was actually wondering how many people who regularly watch MTV were even born when this show was originally on.