Doctor Handsome

So is Thomas Edison going to electrocute her?

So you've given up on "Don't Irk Douglas Sirk"?

Adam Warlock's coccoon was in the first Guardians, so hopefully. You'd think Marvel would want to have him around for Infinity War.

Could Kurt Russell Kurt a Russell so Kurt, even he couldn't Russell it?

Or the bartender who minds his own business, but remembers every customer he's ever served.

I liked the bit about how heavier women earn less money, "except when Che's at the strip club." "And they say black guys don't tip."

Stripping to an abortion song is so weirdly dark that it hits my funny bone just right.

Don't praise the machine.

I love that gag too. The sheer speed he had going really sold it.

I liked all his dumb mixed metaphors:
"up a tree without a paddle"
"squeeze the lemons we got and use the juice to catch the big fish"
and not really a metaphor, but "the generals do the thinking and everyone else says 'how high'"

Who reviews Review?

Look at the weak little baby! You're stupid, you stupid weak baby!

The dopest part of that open was that it even had a Wilhelm scream.


I thought we agreed on Soda!

When he proposed doing a segment about "Films I Have Loved," Duke was opposed to pretentious foreign stuff nobody gives a crap about, and the remaining list consisted solely of Citizen Kane ("Citizen WHO?").

I think I'd make a good cornerman. "Hey, Common, you seem to be taking punches instead of throwing them. Try doing the opposite. You want to win the fight, remember? 'Cuz of racism and stuff?" And then he'd totally kick ass.

True. But Sterling was the better athlete, before his career got cut short. Just imagine the records he could've set with Favre if he hadn't fucked his neck up.

Because it sucks.

McMillan… and Wife