Doctor Handsome

Tyrus's vague physical description is close enough to Gus's that his unexpected violent death will be shown in shadow, or from a distance, or in some other way that makes the audience think it was Gus that died.

That definitely wasn't Superlab. They obviously still have to cook every day. If they had to relocate the daily cook, I'm pretty sure the show would have made that clear.

We have rejected the AMC website as a reliable source. They've burned us before. [SEE: The debate over who called Walt in ".38 Snub"]

Mike saved Jesse because Gus doesn't want Jesse dead yet. Period.
I agree that their relationship has been good for Jesse, but it's like Charlie and the lawyer on Sunny in Philly: "We have some history. There's mutual respect." "Any respect that you're sensing from me is a mistake on your part."

Mike kicks Walt's ass: Walt didn't fight back because Mike's an older gentleman.
Hank kicks Walt's ass: Hank is a big strong tough guy, plus Walt can't fight his own family, plus Walt wouldn't hit a cripple (I'm quite sure Walt could reconcile those contradictory points in his own explanation).
Jesse kicks Walt's ass:

Forever will it dominate her destiny.

The rye or the kaiserrrrrr!

The ugliness of that fight was geat. I get so sick of bullshit Hollywood fights where two untrained guys just expertly trade punches, landing them cleanly, until one guy gets knocked out (and stays unconsious for hours, without dying or suffering brain damage).

Possible, or maybe that's just how Aaron Paul read the line. The captions are just what's written in the script, right?


Wichita, Kansas, residents supposedly have "neutral" American accents. That's the dialect Hollywood prefers actors to go for.

That's his baller-ass stereo system.

It's gotta be Heisenberg they want.


Did the show ever give a specific date when it started? As Much-loved character said, the first seasons could've been set slightly in the future. That's what Terminator 2 did (to age John Conner a bit).

We ALL think that, all the time. You don't hear us gassin' on about it.

Pretty sure Donna's just incorrect about the car. It's 2008 on the show.

And we don't know that they had gunmen in EVERY truck; it's entirely possible they had specific intel on which truck/s would be hit.

I see your point, and you're right that there was just 3 lbs in that truck. But have we ever learned how many Pollos locations there actually are, or how much volume they do? Because all that chicken batter was real, and was going to a real Pollos Hermanos, with or without the meth. They're not really spending a lot